Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 9

I have been asked by many friends to think about posting a blog. It was after much fan fare, and honestly some hard core coaxing, that I decided to actually do it.

So why the name of the blog you ask? Well, the book club ladies will giggle upon seeing the title, but I have this real knack for telling stories where half way through I actually have a "I carried a watermelon" moment and wonder how in the hell I work in radio. I'm all over the place, as you might catch on upon following these fine tales of my daily escapades.

So what finally did push me over the edge on writing this thing? Well, I'm going to start P90x (as soon as it arrives in the mail) and I was going to log my progress, upon request. You know, to see if the thing actually works. But even ordering the discs has a story with it. Now, if you are a Witten reading this blog, I know you provided me with some "tools" recently that would jump start and even help the process. However, I'm neurotic and needed to have the worksheets, nutrition guide, and any other handy dandy information that would come along with it. So I ordered it on ebay. For those of you trying to save a buck, I highly recommend using the ebay route, but buyer BEWARE! I ordered the $50 version of the entire packet, which usually goes for $130 on the streets. Thought I was getting this great deal, but I should have known better. Timeline: P90x purchased March 22nd. Sales pitch: Full package, unopened P90x product including all 13 DVD's and all the extras. No shipping. Product takes 7-10 days for delivery. I thought to myself, what a great deal. When what I really should have thought was, this is probably too good to be true. The next day, I receive an email from Pay Pal stating that they are having issues with the seller. long as you don't charge my card, we're good. A few hours later I receive this email from my seller:

Goods can arrive from 7 days to 10 days,
Please believe me,
Ask you to wait for
The EBAY has the pimping problem

Yeah, I thought the same thing too. So, since it was only a few days and my card wasn't charged, I waited. This brings us up to Monday, March 29 where that would be day 7 of the 7-10 expedition. Still not worried, so I thought I would give it another day before I said something. Tuesday, Day 8: Decide to send an inquiring email asking for some tracking info. I want to make sure the seller is getting their end of the deal too. Seller responds with my mailing address. Yeah, that's not what I was looking for. I know WHERE you are shipping it to, I just want to know when it's supposed to get to me. Oh, before I forget, at the bottom of my address, that they sent back, were two small Chinese symbols which honestly could mean anything. This is when I started to worry. Not that I just spent $50, but what in the world is on it's way here and where exactly is it coming from? So I ask again for shipping info, which is when they sent back this: Go on, click on it, I'll wait......

That's right folks, this 13 disc DVD collection is coming from CHINA! AND it wasn't even shipped out until last Saturday. So although I've made this long story long, it was something that just couldn't wait.

Stay tuned, this is bound to just keep getting better and better!

Until tommorow everyone...


  1. I am hanging by a thread for the next chapter! :o) Seriously though, this will be fun.

    The DVDs better arrive soon because I want you to know that we got an Easter package from mama j today. And I know its for us and not just me because my mother specifically said that two (TWO!) of the items were for Katherine :o) See you Sunday!

  2. Ummmm, this is a faboulous idea K of the K&G posse. I will live my life vicariously through yours now :) I hope and know that some of our future zapato stories will show up here!
    PS: As I have my head in a hole somewhere, when I read PX90, I thought you were ordering a play station...please explain!

  3. The pimping problem, OF COURSE. That's a huge problem of Chinese-exported goods. So I hear.

  4. Did he also offer you a male enhancment product at the end of the email? This is absolutely sham-proof. Please keep us updated.

  5. Good luck with P90X.

    RIP Patrick Swazye - he and Jennifer Gray made a great combo...
