Thursday, April 1, 2010

Netflix...and Day 10

Does anyone out there know how much it costs to replace a DVD from Netflix? I'm not asking b/c I'm doing a research project, but because yesterday I came home at lunch to find that my small, four legged, room mate had taken it upon herself to get onto the top counter in the kitchen and take down not only the JCrew magazine that I was saving, but also the Netflix DVD on top of it. I've always been happy that Scout was never a chewer...but now I realize that it wasn't a chewer of furniture, but of any paper and now medal source. So imagine if you will I walk into my house and find the magazine absolutely frayed to shreds and only the casing of the Netflix. This got me to asking in my firm yet still doggy confusion voice, "Scout, where is the DVD?!?!?!". Next move we make is around the corner of the couch where my question is answered. She has not only bitten into a portion of the DVD itself making it not playable, but also not sure it could even go into a DVD player, but she has also taken apart the plastic casing in which DVD's themselves are manufactured in. I'm not even sure a human could do this, let alone a 10 month old puppy. But, as I'm quickly learning, we're not dealing with an ordinary 10 month old dog here. To know her is to love her. Well, the answer to my own question is $14. I only spend $18 a month on renting 3 DVD's at a time and for Scout's treat I have to pay $14. She knows this is going to be taken out of her allowance. To make matters worse, and I wasn't even sure I was going to admit this or not, but the DVD she ate was the 3rd disc of season 2 of 90210. And I hadn't even watched it yet. And on top of that, I looked up prices for the entire season on Amazon, just to make myself feel worse, and an entire season is only $10.62. SCOUT!

P90x update.... Houston, we have lift off! P90x has arrived in the United States. As of today, our little adventurer is in New York City. Probably going to take in the sites and sounds and be on their way. Who knew that a plane ride from Beijing to NYC takes 4 days. Remind me NEVER to go to China.

Someone reminded me of a great movie today so I'm going to end today in a movie quote: "Who knows where thoughts come from, they just appear"

1 comment:

  1. That is a great movie. It might be time to break out the VHS and see what else Lucas had to say!
