Monday, April 5, 2010

The First Day of the Rest of my Life

I was debating between that title and "The new phonebooks are here! The new phonebooks are here!" but I figured this one was way more powerful and dramatic :o)

Well, after 11 long days of waiting, my mail lady finally delivered my P90x. It wasn't without some long sorted tale either, but in order not to take the focus off the task at hand, I will digress and get to it. So, today was day one of our 90 day adventure together...where I do all the work and all you do is read about it...Seems fair to me. I must say, there is some good news, and then there is some bad news. The good news is, is that the self installed pull-up/chin-up bar did not unhinge from the wall causing me to fall on the floor in what would have been the 2nd funniest, clumsy fall in the past two months. The first, of course, being the "Big Tree that fell in Brooklyn". (if you don't know that story, ask, I'll tell you) The bad news is that if I were hanging from a cliff, for my dear life, I would totally have to let go and die b/c the lack of upper arm strength I posses is absurd. I mean Turbo Tony has you all over the place, which of course, adds to the muscle confusion, but thank God he suggested using a chair. Use a chair Tony? How about relay on a chair to get my squishy ass above the bar?!?!? It's probably the most pathetic I have ever felt in a work out....ever! Now, in grade school I was allowed to do the chin-up hang or whatever the hell that was, but I don't think I could, on my own, pull my body weight up that far and hang. Let alone try and get my fat ass up that far more than once. What I should have done was take a video so you all could enjoy watching what I couldn't do, but instead I'll do the good writer thing and tell the story with my words. Plus, you guys try and do that many pull-up/chin-ups and go straight into push-ups with tiny pipe cleaner arms. Yeah, that's what I thought...

So, goals. Everyone needs them, otherwise what in the world am I putting myself through this for?!?!? Upon stepping up on the scale last night and then attempting to dress myself this morning, my current goal is to loose 20 pounds and drop at least 2 sizes. I know the size thing might be a little absurd, but the 20 pounds isn't just going to fall off easily. Tonight I'll measure myself so that I'll have those little numbers to reduce and add to my overall goal. And yes, I did take before pictures and will post them, after 30 days. I want something to be proud of, not cringe in disgust at what I'm making public knowledge.

In the infamous words of Jessica Rabbit: "You don't know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do"

Until tomorrow.....

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