Friday, April 23, 2010

It's been a rough one

I'm not going to lie to you, this has been one rough day. After waking up yesterday morning at 4:45 am and driving all the way to West Virginia (4.5 hours), then turning back around at 5 pm and making the trek back home, not able to rest my weary head on my pillow until 10:45 pm my alarm going off at 6 am this morning did not make for a very pleasant morning. The only saving grace was that Stinkerbell is still at her sleep over and I was able to do Yoga without Dora the Explorer trying to make her way under my Warrior One positioned legs. I really thought today was going to be the day I made it past Warrior Three pose as well. The fact that I got up at all is a miracle, but to then make it 45 minutes and not stop was almost phone call worthy. Let me break these poses down for you in a play by play form. You know sticking to what I know..
Here is Warrior One. This is one I can do minimally falling or having to use my bed, floor, or dog for balance.

To the left here is Warrior Three where I can somewhat accomplish the feat, but when you have to start heading into Half Moon pose, as shown on the right, things, in my world, get a little tricky. Being super man and pretending that I can actually fly seems moderately easy, but then when Tony asks me to start heading in the direction of placing my hands on the floor and reaching up for the sky, we are stepping WAY out of my comfort zone. This is when I start to wobble, and unlike the Weeble Wobbles, I do actually fall down. How is one to clear their mind, when sweat beads are rolling down my face from trying not to fall. I swear, I'm really trying to be in the moment and clear my head of anything I need to do later or anything that might be on my mind and it seems to work until all that is on my mind is how was I not created to bend or balance this way? I'm sure in months I'll look back on these Yoga posts and laugh as I scratch my head with my toes. Get it? B/c I'm that bendy.
Alright, the post is done now. You all can continue your days :o)

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