Friday, April 30, 2010


Last night I was one red wine glass shy of being the biggest girl cliche in the world. I came home on my off night of P90x and actually got tired of watching TV. It's been a rough week all around and I can't quiet put my finger on the most stressful part of it, but I just wanted complete silence. Even getting myself wrapped up in television "real" world wasn't doing the trick. I was scratching my head trying to figure out what could make me relax and get rid of this terrible pain in my right shoulder blade. My conclusion? I ran a hot bath with bath beads, lit some candles and sat there and read for an entire hour. I got lost in the book I was reading and just detoxed. It was the most outstanding 60 minutes of my whole week. There was no barking, no phone ringing, no nothing. Just me and Frankie McCourt in the fine country of Ireland. I realize that my blogs of late, or maybe the whole time have been a little cynical, or more cynical than normal, and a good detox is just what the doctor ordered.

I felt so refreshed that I got through the entire hour of Core Synergistics this morning! Yes, this is a huge accomplishment as this exercise is a mixture of the Plyometrics and Yoga exercises that I already have a hard time getting through. But, if it makes my core that much stronger, I'm all for it! Tuesday is Day 30, I hope I'm ready for this. I don't feel ready, but the pictures and hopefully the measuring tape will speak for itself.

Here's to hoping that all this work is really paying off!

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