Thursday, April 15, 2010

Note to self...

Upon staying up later than normal, know that as you age, going to bed at 1 and trying to get up at 7 is not, I repeat NOT, going to happen. Let alone trying to get up at 6 and do p90x. So, mark it on your calendars, a repeat performance of hiting the snooze happened again this morning. Although meeting new friends is fun, the side effects, like upsetting your entire schedule for potentially a week, is not worth it. We're just going to have to find a better, earlier time to hang out. But, upon not getting to do the P yesterday morning, I got a recruit (victim) to help me with the process last night. Thinking that she was not going to work out as hard as she actually did, Jenna took a stab at Arms and Shoulders. I will admit that this particular workout is a little ninja like. You start off kind of slow and then by the end you're ready to be finished. And on top of working your upper body for an hour, you then go on to abs where you sweat more than you do in the entire previous hour. If I don't start getting a flat belly soon, I might have to start giving up some food......ha, ha, ha, yeah I was laughing at that too. I will say, that it was nice to have the company though. I should have thought about this before b/c it makes it way more fun to have someone doing this with you than standing in your bedroom all by yourself fist pounding your tv. Now onto the debate of the day. Do I go home tonight and do yoga? Do I go home tonight and run outside with the little one? Do I stick to my thoughts of last week and use this as my day off and do Yoga on Sunday? So many tough decisions for the night. With the idea of going to the baseball game off the table, I have nothing but possibilities for the evening. It's almost like a choose your own adventure. What will she do?!?!?!? Dun dun duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....

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