Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay, I'm not a total slacker, I have an excuse as to why I didn't do P90x this morning, but I'm really not getting into it. I could make excuses that my quad's hurt from last nights dominating double header win of the ISP Ballas (which is true), or that me and some friends finished off a bottle of 2 buck chuck last night after the game (also true), or that I totally got into watching 9 to 5 last night (watched it, wasn't really paying attention), but really none of them would be the reason. I'm pooped and really didn't feel like working out this morning. I do swear to you that I will be going home after work today and doing my exercises though. That you can take to the bank.

I do, however, want to reflect on something that I forgot to talk about yesterday. Monday after work I went home and instead of the normal routine of watching TV that I'm totally behind on, I decided to watch one of the movies I have DVR'd. Thinking that it might take more space off my box (he, he that's what she said). Well, I was feeling a little light hearted that day, so I watched Bridget Jones Diary. I don't even get ten minutes into the movie when I realized, holy s&^t this is me! She had entered her 32 year on earth and started keeping a diary. And just like her, my diary is also for public consumption. Of course, I'm not going to write about Mark Darcy or Daniel Cleaver, b/c they just aren't real. This was exactly how she started out though. Although my mission is not to quit smoking cigarettes or not weigh as much as she does, I do think I need to start using awesome British words like poof or snog or bugger. It's like when the British insult you it's not as bad since they use such awesome words. I would relate it to the old southern saying "bless her heart" which is also pretty amazing considering that you can say practically anything about anyone, as long as you end it with "bless their heart". So my mission for the remainder of the year, as it was Bridget's, is to find a good British bloke, preferably one that looks like Hugh Grant to snog and then end up with a great British bloke like Collin Firth, standing in the snow in my knickers with my arse hanging out. Probably not, but I just wanted to use the word snog in a sentence.

1 comment:

  1. Favorite post yet. And I totally agree that this should be the year you snog a brittish bloke! ;o)
