Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wild and Wonderful

In honor of Earth day, I have decided to load up the family truckster and head off to West Virginia for the day. I figured I would wake up before the sun and just make the most of daylight. What an adventure it has proven to be.....

Doesn't that story sound like the start of something that would be so wonderful and open to possibilities? It certainly started off sounding like something so much better than the truth? I am in West Virginia and I did have to leave at the ass crack of dawn, but honestly it was the best morning adventure I've had in a while. I went to go pick up my car riding companion and when I passed the neighborhood gas station the first time, there were no lights on and no one was around. Within 10 minutes of picking him up there was a cop in the parking lot chasing a...wait for it, wait for it....PONY. Imagine the call that the police station had at 6 in the morning that someones pony got loose. I understand that I live in a small town, but a pony?!?!?! I mean, it had a saddle on and everything. It was ready for the fair or a child's birthday party, but it was 6 am in the outskirts of the city. It would be understandable for this story to take place in the wild and wonderful, but not really a story for the Dash.

I believe the British would call that a barking story! I can't imagine what I will find on the way home!

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