Friday, April 16, 2010

TGIF everyone!

Well, for those of you that were wondering, I did it! I actually did it! Everything was working against me yesterday and pointing me in the direction of not working out. I left work late. I received a work call on my way home that lasted 15 minutes after I walked in the door. My trustee stead destroyed the carpet....AGAIN. So there was really nothing pointing me in the direction of working out. But I kept telling myself that if I didn't do it, I wouldn't. It would throw everything off and I've worked too hard for two whole weeks to let that happen. So I put on the Yoga gear and went to work. Much to my surprise, the stuff is actually working! The first 45 minutes I went up, I went down, I held my position, I balanced. And then came the half moon. I am determined that when I pass this part of the DVD I will have made it. Imagine that you have to keep your leg raised while moving the rest of your body in a sort of cirque de sole positioning and not fall. I was using everything to try and keep my balance, but instead of working on the breathing and the calm, I was stepping into the frustration and that just defeats the purpose of Yoga. So I stopped. This morning, we almost had a repeat performance of the last three mornings of slacking off and working out after work. The alarm went off at 6 am and I actually hit snooze for another hour. But as I lay there I told myself that this is a bad move, made myself get out of bed and work the legs. In the end, it proved to be worthwhile. I feel better. I can eat my face off today and not worry about it and I still have abs to look forward too when I get home. Plus, now I can go home and rest my fat ass on the couch and feel absolutely confident that I did everything that I needed to today.

We have begun the science experiment of dog chew toys. We have heeded the advice of our good friends Laura, Nate and Campbell and purchased our very own Hard Core Fire Hose displayed below:
Day one results. Handle is already chewed through and part is on the floor, but the rest remains in tact.

Second toy purchased was a toy fox with absolutely NO stuffing, seen here:
I realize that it looks a little cruel, but I don't think she loves a toy more right now. Except maybe the stupid remains of that blasted mailman. I can't bring myself to throw away his carcase either. It's like a constant reminder of what not to do ever again.

Happy Friday everyone. Remember to use your British words wisely. Today's word: balls-up. It means error, mistake, snafu. Figure out how to use that one correctly....

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