Friday, April 9, 2010

A morning of pouting/venting

I really don't mean to, but this is exactly how I feel today. I woke up and the last thing on earth I wanted to do was work out! I'm tired! I'm tired of waking up at 6 am. I'm tired of Tony yelling at me for an hour. I'm tired of Scout thinking that when I'm squatting that what I'm really doing is reaching lower to pet her. But most of all, I'm tired of it turning cold! Pick a temperature there Mother Nature. It's been so nice lately why did you have to go and get cold? Why am I wearing long sleeves today? Why do I live in the south, in April, and it's 47 degrees?!?!?! I knew it was cold when Scout actually slept in the bed last night. Either that or even she was too tired to get up. GROWL! The funny part of it all is that the workout was great. Back and legs will probably fall into the number 2 slot behind arms this week. Lots of new things I'm learning. And instead of attempting the pull ups I can now wrap my resistance bands around the bar and pull. Thought that was the wussy way out, but now that some of the others are doing it, it seemed a lot easier than struggling to get my body up that bar. I do have some curious questions though. I'm not sure why Tony is so keen on Drea. I mean, sure she has a killer body, but there are other people in the room that are working just as hard. Is there a little extra cardio going on when some private cameras are rolling? Ha! I'm already making myself feel better.

I better snap out of this. I've got too. Big plans tonight! Big weekend in the works. Yup, I'm going to be a mystery. It's more exciting that way, plus it makes you think that there is something super secretive going on.....

But in closing, I leave you all with this, if any of you know of some rich guy that would allow me to quit my job and lay around on the beach all day, please feel free to give him my number and/or email address. I feel like I'm waiting for my ship to come in and I'm standing on the dock, but no one told me it was a train.

Okay, venting over.....If I'm happier later I'm coming back and changing my bears colors.

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