Monday, April 19, 2010

World Record?

I don't know what the world record would be for length of time spent on ones couch watching TV, but I think I might have been a contender yesterday. I literally went from 30% free on my DVR to 50%. I watched 20% of my DVR. Do you know how much TV that is?!?! It was my mission to at least get that far, but I still don't feel like I've scraped the surface of the challange I'm looking at ahead. Not to mention that I still have 2 Netflix discs that I didn't get through. I think yesterday was mostly a little bit of a pity party. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat, but I stood on my scale and realized that I gained ANOTHER two pounds. That would be a total of 4.5 pounds gained in two weeks. As I was watching a few episodes of The Biggest Loser I kept thinking that those guys are working out WAY harder than I do and they are dropping pounds like it's their job. Okay, some of them could also apply to Sea World before they started on the show, but that's besides the point. I'm working out 6 days a week for, at minimum, an hour at a time and I've gained 4.5 pounds! I'm eating correctly (besides yesterday), drinking nothing but loads and loads of water, but I just don't get it. There is only so much fish a girl can take. And egg white omletes that have worked their way into my diet. If this is the fat burning time, I'm waiting.

But that being said, I do have some monumental news as of this morning. Instead of doing all my push-ups on my knees, I was able to do 5, correctly, on my toes! Again, it's not dropping 20 pounds, which has now become 24.5, but it is moving in the right direction. It might not seem like much, but the fact that my little pipe cleaners were able to push my body weight up and down 5 times is a lot. I will also say that I'm getting a little bored with the work outs and am really excited that my routine changes next week. Time to mix things up and hopefull start working my body in a different way. I also really miss running so when I have time I'm going to start mixing running into the work outs as well. Heck, at this point I'll try anything new if it might bring on some success. Yes, I'm obviously getting a little impatient.

According to the Brittish I am feeling a little bloater so I'll go back to my day of water and fruit and salad and hope that this is the calm before the storm.

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Well it's definitely working because you are getting stronger!! Also, just an fyi - muscle doesn't weigh more than fat because a pound is a pound... muscle is just more dense than fat!
