Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, Monday

Week one is under our belts and week two has already started. I would say that I've started to see results, but I would be lying. Stood on the scale and gained two and a half pounds. I'm not freaking out though. They say that muscle weighs more than fat and last nights delicious bbq didn't help either. Plus any fitness expert will tell you that you don't start seeing results until you have done a workout for at least two weeks. In other words, if I don't start seeing something by this time next week I probably should change something in my eating patterns. But, that being said, I do think I'm a little stronger in my arms. I felt my muscles in the shower when I was washing my hair. I bet my public will start seeing those tiny bb gun pellats soon enough.

I'd like to clear up some confusion for those of you who have no idea what I'm doing. P90x, or P82x as of today, is not a different workout every day. There are 3 phases of 30 days each. For 3 weeks, you do the same workouts and then week 5 they start to mix it up again. Although there are 13 discs, I won't go through all 13 until the end, I'm assuming. For example, today, we worked back and shoulders again. You know, the old hanging off the cliff moment that started us off? Well, the good news is that I'm doing more push ups, the bad news is that I'm still on my knees doing them. (not a that's what she said moment, sorry folks)

Holy crap! Do any of you watch 24? I finally caught up this weekend. It has finally gotten good with only a few more episodes to go. I won't ruin it, but if you watch it, email me. I love a good rant!

Although it's Monday, I think I need to change my bear color. I'm no longer Grumpy Bear and those of you who were around me on Friday, I apologize for that. It took until yesterday to shake that mood too. Today, I think I will be....FUNSHINE BEAR!
Even Funshine has more muscles than me. She's holding up the whole blog.....

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