Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Bloody Monday

I have started to develop a love/hate relationship with weekends. I do love them so very much and look forward to them whenever my alarm goes off during the week. However, I have started to dread them b/c I often times eat like crap and have a drink or two (or 6 or 7). This weekend was no exception, only it started on Thursday during my trip to West Virginia. I honestly thought that Thursday would be the only day that I threw caution into the wind and ate whatever I wanted, but then there was Friday, and then Saturday. It's like there is a little voice in my head that's telling me, sure you went ahead and worked out so go ahead and eat whatever you want to. Only I wish that voice would also say, you are working way too hard to have that Chinese food/Cracker Barrel/Bud Light. And, of course, I'm trying to rationalize it. Well, if I only drink on the weekends, or eat like this on Saturday or Sunday, then I'm fine. It's not like I eat like crap all the time, right? I believe that's what addicts say. So, I'm thinking that AFTER this upcoming weekend, it might be time to stick to the no alcohol for 30 day rule. I mean, this weekend is the lawn Olympics. I have to compete in that! But then there are the wine festivals! Oh goodness gracious, I'm going to have to do some serious soul searching in the next couple of days.

In regards to the P90x progress, this week is recovery week. That means there is no lifting and perhaps no getting up at 6 am, except for tomorrow. I'm also planning on taking matters into my own hands and doing cardio on my own. As a matter of fact, instead of doing Yoga tonight, I'm planning on doing the elliptical for 45 minutes and catching up on People. I'm so far behind, I was in the grocery store line this weekend and saw the cover with Prince William and Kate and thought they had gotten engaged. I've been so out of touch! (Quit judging me, everyone has a vice).

Oh Monday's how I love you!

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