Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dog for Sale

Any one who knows me knows just how much I love little Scout. Some might say that I love that little thing a bit too much, but I don't care what those haters say. However, that being said, I did almost leave her outside today and not look back. Let me paint the picture. I guess it was hot in my room, but I don't wear a fur coat all the time, so I was perfectly comfortable. But she was up and down and up and down and up and down once an hour. And then just when I looked at my clock and noticed that I had about an hour of sleep left before I had to get up and workout, the little pisser wouldn't go back to sleep. She barked at the bedroom door, I let her out. She barked at the back door, I told her no. She barked at the front door, I got up. I'm thinking, wow, she must really have to go to the bathroom. We go outside and the little monster just wanted to play with her stick. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?! You really just got me out of bed to play with a stick? Nope, you're going to potty whether you like it or not, and she did. Only she wanted to bark at the door every ten minutes for the next hour while I was trying to work out. Which might I add, was difficult enough without Madam Barksalot adding to it. Since it is recovery week, I totally took the whole thing for granted. Thinking that I was going to have a morning of stretching and sit-ups and maybe a few crunches, since we were working core. I couldn't be more wrong. Did you know that push-ups help your core? Did you know that laying on the floor acting like Superman helps you core? Did you know that sweating your ass off at 6 in the morning helps you core? Yeah, me neither. And getting distracted by the barking and the licking and the sassing wasn't very motivating. So in full disclosure, I only got through 45 minutes of the DVD and am thinking that if softball gets cancelled for any reason tonight, that I might try the whole thing over. I don't really feel that I got the full effect this morning as I'm sure you can imagine. I should have stayed in bed and slept a little longer. Little does she know it, but Scout owes me a full nights sleep and she will pay me back!

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