Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's not easy being green

No, I'm not singing the Kermit the Frog song, but I am referring to how I felt this morning. I know they tell you not to eat at least an hour before you do the Plyometrics workout, however, even with no food in my system I thought I was going to hurl. He's got you up and down and side and side and hopping on one foot and jumping across the river and playing the air guitar. Yes, these are all real moves. I actually stopped before the "extras" kicked in b/c I knew I had a softball double header today and why do the extras when I'll already be doing a little more. Needless to say, if this workout isn't working I don't know what is.

In other news I need to send out a note to the lady who was checking out behind me at PetSmart this weekend. I believe her other job is to sell broken down cars that look real nice. Some may call them lemons. So I have in my hands a nylon chew toy and some rawhide's. This lady pulls up behind me and says that she has just the toy for my young pup. That she and her....ahh hmm "friend"....have a husky lab mix and that it takes them so long to destroy this thing. I'm thinking, holy crap! I need to get this lady's phone number. If this actually works I'm going to buy stock in this thing. So me, my trusty sidekick, and our purchases head home. It takes her less than an hour to rip through the nylon toy, my pick, and the Mailman lays in waiting. I'm still thinking this lady is a genius! Cue last night. 2 days after our trip to PetSmart, where I see Scout riping into the corner of this Mailman. I'm thinking, no way is she really going to get through this, is she? For the past 12-14 hours, I have been picking up stuffing and squeakers and rattlers all over my house for this "indestructible" dog toy. Needless to say this morning I am researching indestructible dog toys and will be conducting a science experiment. So far what I have learned is although the lesbians have 4 dogs and should know better, this will be one more thing I don't listen to their advice on.

1 comment:

  1. Hard Core Fire Hose - Campbell hasn't been able to destroy it yet. It's Ealy approved.

