Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy 4/20!

Did you know on this day in history, tiny baby Adolf was born in a manger? Oh wait, that's not right, and I'm pretty sure I've offended at least one person out there, but it is Hitler's birthday. This was also the terrible day of the Columbine shooting. And last but not least, my friend Alex also has a birthday today. That is probably no accident either. It's also the kick off of Naked Tuesday. That's right folks, you might have heard of water cooler talk but today at the coffee machine we established Naked Tuesday. The idea of Naked Tuesday was formed by thinking if one were to dress slutty to get a raise than one should also walk in naked, to work, no problem, to have the same effect, if not better. The unfortunate part is that naked or clothed the raise part is not going to happen. However, if you do happen to see me wandering around the building without clothes on, you might as well stop and ask if I got some more money for it. I'm starting a revolution people! Who's with me?!?!?!?

Right, I'm only on my first sips of coffee. Probably time to take a little breather.

And I'm back. I'm throwing out a challenge to the readers of this blog. I challenge each of you to find the Plyometrics workout on You tube or purchase it, or hell, I'll gladly do it with any takers in the ISP gym, or even the basketball court and run through it one time. And not only run though it one time, but run through it and not want to puke your brains out by the middle. I feel like I was jumping so high and landing so hard that my brain was rattling around at some point. They say to pause it if you need some time, but what happens if you're sucking so much wind that you can't reach the pause button? What happens if I've literally run out of juice? What happens if I have a massive heart attack on my floor and no one knows I've died from trying to do air guitar kicks? In other words, this workout hasn't really gotten easier, I've just been able to do more in it. So try it today! You probably won't thank me at all, but at the very least I'll be welcoming you to my hell!

Smoke 'um if you got 'um people, and let's get this party started!

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