Monday, December 20, 2010

time waster

Could someone please explain to me the point of EVER having doctors appointments? I think I might die of shock the day that I actually get to see the doctor on time. Or maybe have them wait just as long for you as you did for them. But thank God I wasn't sitting in there dying of the swine flu again because then we might have a wee bit of an issue. So, this ear thing still hasn't gone away. For the past two months, or so, (I'm going to go ahead and emphasis the word so and use that as another months time) the blockage in my ear has slowly swollen to the point that I'm really just brushing up on my sign language, in case I have to pull it out. Last night, I went as far as to look up and old Sicilian remedy and warm olive oil over the stove, stick a cotton ball in it, and then stick that in your ear. It's supposed to cause "instant" relief. I'll go ahead and leave that to the real Italians, because this girl got nothing out of sticking olive oil in her ear, except and ear full of olive oil. So, as I came into job number one this morning, I figured it might be time to call the old doctor again. And not the nut job I went to see the last time, who gave me an inhaler for all my symptoms and told me that everything would go away in a matter of days, because here we are months later and it still sounds like the ocean in my right ear. So, at 10:30 we called a new doctor. They happened to have an opening at 12:15 that same day, so I took it. Since I was a new patient, I knew I had to get there early, but who knew there would be construction on a two lane road that caused me to arrive at the appointment only a few minutes ahead of schedule. Upon arrival, I was shooed into the back office to fill out paperwork. Here I was welcomed by three "lovely" women, who had about a million better things to do than wait on me. I was honestly told to sit down, RIGHT NEXT to one of them, while she talked to her co-worker about when the secret Santa gifts were passed out and why she hadn't gotten one yet. This is just me assuming, but if her personal life is any reflection of her professional life, I'm going to have a guess as to why her stocking is empty, I'm just saying. As the clock now ticked 12:25, I am ushered, correction, directed back into the waiting room with absolutely no explanation. I sit as I watch patient after patient approach the reception desk, asking how long it was going to take, considering they had been there since 11:45 am. Gulp! Thinking to myself, this is going to be a while, I get comfy in my chair and play some Angry Birds on my phone. Just as I'm passing the level to which I have been combating for a few days now, my name is called! Hooray! I mean, bully for you all, but this is what I'm talking about. It is here that I am actually escorted to the nurses station and left in a room...for the next...45 minutes. Like I said before, I'm glad I wasn't actually deathly ill because this would have been the worse timing to switch doctors, but what in the world was taking this lady so long?!?! I literally called in an hour before my appointment, which meant that at that time, if they were running behind, they might have wanted to give a little heads up, or maybe not schedule someone so that they could take that next hour to play catch-up. But there I sat. There were a few times I thought about collecting my things and walking out, but the damage had already been done. As the door to my gym says, half the battle was getting here. So, after a few games of Angry Birds, much studying of the anatomy of the insides of me, my incredibly social awkward doctor walks in. Only to tell me exactly what I knew was wrong. I'm telling you guys, if it weren't for the blood and guts, I could have totally been a doctor. Two minutes later, and $30 lighter, I'm out the door. I should have sat there and made that lady listen to how my day was going, or something. She had me wait for an hour for her, why not do the same? If I could find a job where I only work an hour a day and make over $100k I might just totally walk away from this dog day care idea. I'm just saying!!!!

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