Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I understand the the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. But I'm not referring to that form of insanity. Apparently, once you've graduated from the P90X world, the next level of nuts is called Insanity. Last night, after Heather got home from work, I made her go change her clothes and hit the basement for 40 minutes of the most movement I've done in a while. Shaun T had us butt kicking, high kneeing, doing in and outs with only 3 30 second breaks. When I work out with Tony, I'm guaranteed a long time to grab some water, maybe towel off, yell at Scout to leave to room, but this guy defines the word intense. I had sweat on top of sweat. And it's not the kind of sweat where you start off right away and build. Oh no, this is all of a sudden you are hit with a truck and want to die and the only thing that might save your life is sweating, sweat. I'm going to regret saying this, but I'm glad I did it though. I wasn't really interested in heading over to the local Glen Burnie Golds, considering my Monday night trip was a bit of a let down. It's hard walking into a foreign gym where you have no idea where anything is and your routine involves equipment which they may or may not have. I will say this though. Out of complete shock the clientle at this gym was rather good looking. I was expecting WAY worse than what I saw and I'd totally holla at some of these boys.

A little moody boy update. This morning we woke up and everything was coming up roses! We were laughing and talking and smiling! Status report as of 10:30, right before nap time...All systems go. I have figured out that children are very manipulative though. At a very early age, they have this power of persuasion over their parents. You see, I've figured out that all parents want when their kids are little is for their kids to like them. So when someone else, not related to them, comes on the scene, they don't usually take a lot of their crap. Take for instance little man, who I dearly love and adore. When his mom is around, he's moody and crabby and gets away with almost anything. Starts to cry when he's not getting what he wants. So, as a good mom, she does whatever she can to make him happy. Now, when momma goes away to work, I know he's just trying to work the system, so when I need to go to the bathroom, I have to put him in his play area. He starts to whine and work himself up into a cry, but I REALLY have to go to the bathroom. As I'm gone for a little while, he stops. This, I have also found, works with the word no. I do not believe that anyone likes to hear the word no, but when it comes to children not one of them likes to hear it. So when you say, no, don't climb on the stairs because you aren't going to know how to get down, they really don't like that. Sure, I let him play up there yesterday, but today is a new day, with a new attitude and today is the day we aren't going to play on the stairs. It's all good though. He's a great kid and I've got to hand it to him. If I were in a mood and didn't know any other way to express myself, I would have been a million times worse than he was.

All in all, a pretty good day so far. I'm very excited to see my puppy when I go home tonight. I can't imagine what sort of mischief she's gotten herself into, but at this point, mommy doesn't mind :o)

Off to search for some more Rose Bowl potential tickets.

Until Tomorrow!

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