Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm not going to lie, I'm really bad at this blogging thing. I know you agree with me, but it's hard. Do I sit down at the beginning of the day and recap what happened the day before? Or do I sit down every night and fill this thing out like a diary? Let me try the latter one first, only let's pretend right now is night time and I'm recapping all the days events.

Dear blogiary,

Today was an eventful day, that's for sure. We can't seem to figure out what is making Tristan so fussy, but he is. It can't be he's hungry, because that boy can eat! It can't be that he's tired, because that boy can sleep! And it certainly can't be because he needs changing, because I just changed a diaper full of an assplotion that would make any ones eyes water. I don't remember this kid eating so much to require such a full diaper, but this one might be for the record books. In any case, he's down for his second nap now. As I monitor his progress on the momitor, it appears that putting him down early, might not matter as he'll probably still not fall asleep for an hour. The great news is that he's such a good kid in his crib (and everywhere else) that he really won't fuss and when he's tired he'll just fall asleep.

So, onto me. I made some GREAT progress today in the dog daycare proposal. I finished mapping out the "competition" in the area to add to the entire thing. Turns out, what I'm offering and where I'm offering it is really going to be successful, or I hope. I've already worked two days in a local day care here, to get a feel for what it would be like and let me tell you have I learned some life lessons. Instead of being taught how one should run a day care, I'm learning what not to do. It's nuts! If your primary business is dogs, you should probably care less about paying your employees overtime and more about the fact that one of your dogs was left and wasn't fed. It's a completely humbling process to go from being an executive to working part time at a dog day care. I keep telling myself that this is GREAT experience and that it doesn't matter that the only person older than me that works there is the owner. I can do anything for the next six months. If it's longer than that, I would suggest checking the ceilings in my parents house and make sure that I'm not hanging from it.

Speaking of living with your parents, don't. I love my parents dearly, but honestly, living there again after not having a room mate for 8 years is REALLY tough! The disagreements that the two of them have are some of the most ridiculous conversations I've heard. You can almost pinpoint the moment when the two of them miscomunicate and it turns from a discussion, to a disagreement. And then someone takes it too far and then I just have to walk away. And then there is poor little Scout. She doesn't know if she's coming or going. I had her going through doggie boot camp to try and get rid of some of her bad behaviors, but if everyone isn't on board and doing the same thing EVERY TIME, it doesn't work. So, she becomes the fall guy in a lot of instances, which makes me feel so bad for her. My parents are used to their old ass dog that doesn't do anything and here is Scout in all her puppy glory, just wanting someone to love her. I hate that I had to leave here at home while I was watching Tristan, but she wasn't able to come to work with me yet so there was no way I was going back to get her. She'll get to see me tomorrow and since dogs have no concept of time, she'll be fine.

So blogiary, in closing, I need to be better about revealing my feelings to you. So much can happen these days and I just need to make sure you know all about it! I hope I'm true to my word too because I feel like I've really let you down here.

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