Thursday, April 21, 2011

127 days...and counting

Okay, okay, I get it. It's been a while since I've written anything on here, but you have to believe me when I say this, I have been beyond busy these days. And to take the free time I do have and involve things like sitting down in front of a computer and nailing out a blog and not get bored would be next to impossible. So, I'm going to do my best to update you as to what I've been doing these past days to bring you into my world, just a little bit. Allow me to start two weeks ago when my dad and I headed down to the beach house for what I thought would be a mildly relaxing trip before heading to California for my real stressful adventure. Our objective was to paint the inside of the house, power wash the outside, replace what needed replacing and call in the repair team to do the rest. So, loaded up with supplies and the puppy we started our journey. A few things to note. 1. I HATE driving during road trips unless my passenger is staying awake and keeping me company. My dad had a conference call for about an hour of the trip so I was forced to stay silent and focus all my energies on the road. I couldn't even play travel games. Lame. 2. I have the bladder of a peanut. I usually know my boundaries and try to steer clear of liquids to limit stops in trips. However, this particular day I was really thirsty and didn't think that the affects of the water would take charge so quickly. BOY was I wrong. Thankfully the call was over and it was nearing lunch time so a stop was in need anyway. I just didn't think I would have to pee so badly. It was like that pee urge you get after you've been drinking and you're convinced that in a moments notice you are literally going to pee your pants. Only, I was sober, and driving. I would have probably felt better had I been drunk. So, with Burger King in hand, pee out of system, a quick water break for Scout, we're on our way once again. The rest of the road trip was pretty uneventful so I'll get right to it. Cue the next morning when I was told to wake up "before 10 am, please so that you can start painting". A little known fact, when you don't have to actually get up at a certain time to do something, you usually don't. However, "sleep" wasn't really in Scout's vocabulary the whole night before. She does this really weird thing where when she is in a new place, it takes her about a day to acclimate to the new surroundings. Which usually means that she is up most of the night whining at the door, leading me to believe that she has to go out because she hasn't actually gone to the bathroom the entire time she's been there. So, I have to then get out of bed and walk her around outside for a little while to find a spot she might feel comfortable "going potty" in. This, of course, doesn't happen until the next afternoon. But, just like most everything I do in my life, it's insane and I keep thinking that one time she's going to snap out it and just be a real dog. I guess we work well together that way. So, with very little sleep, I'm up and about by 8:30 and painting by 9:30. I'm telling you guys, if this whole dog daycare thing doesn't work out for me, I think I have future in painting the interior of houses. I start upstairs and with my music blasting, get through that in no time at all. As I'm folding up my paint tarp, I hear the pitter patter of my dad's little feet up and down the stairs. This, of course, is sarcasm. All I hear is stomping all around and a sailor that has moved into my dad's body and spitting out cuss words like he owns them. I honestly have no idea what's going on, and knowing my dad is knowing to stay at least 600 yards away from that nightmare. Especially if he's screaming and cursing. Ever so gently, I make my way down to the second level. Set up my supplies when I hear him on my floor. Not knowing how much longer I can live with the suspense, I ask him what the problem is. Apparently, when you have a house at the beach, one does not require that much water pressure. Let alone enough to power wash a gigantic house. He literally tried every single spigot and all of them were just dribbling out water. Two of them didn't even work. He even went as far as jerry rigging a hose from down stairs and moving it up. Honestly, the guy had one job to do and for the past hour he's been mumbling around the house trying to figure out what to do. Meanwhile, Scout's been following him around like a...well, like a puppy dog. Barking when he's not around and just trying to find him when he's outside. I find it cute. Grumpy Gus finds it annoying. After another 30 minutes of him trying to figure out how to make it work and I'm already almost done painting the entire area that needs it. Then, with just a little more left to go, I run out of paint. I've gotta say, for two hours work, I've done pretty well. And since dad's really done nothing, it's time for a break and load into the family truckster to head 20 minutes up the road to the closest Home Depot. Yes, we live that far removed from any sort of city.

You know what? This is crazy!!! This isn't even that interesting and I've spent that last three hours trying to get something out while doing four other things. My California trip was way more exciting. I'll post about that one next.

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