Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Okay, okay, I know you haven't heard from me in weeks and have been wondering what on earth happened to me. Well, to make a long story short, I regret to inform you that upon attempting to knock over an ATM, and get away with it, I got caught. This is what happens when you listen to your friends who come up with a "can't fail" scenario....which is exactly what happened, it failed. Who knew that this certain ATM location was a hot spot for undercover cops. I was arrested immediately and detained for what seemed to be the longest length of time in my life. I had to endure the worst possible living conditions any person should EVER. Jail is not a place that people should visit, let alone live. You know how I used to say that I'm too pretty to go back to jail, well, now I can mean it. "Thankfully", due to overcrowding, I was sent home and placed under house arrest. I was too embarrassed to blog during that time, so I went silent. Heck, even my closest friends that weren't involved in this terrible scheme had no idea what happened. I'm only confessing now because of many constant reminders that my blog has been empty. Plus, I was really running out of excuses as to why I wasn't around...soooo, there you have it.

Raise your hands if you actually believed that story? That over thinker, do-gooder me, would actually get arrested for doing something as stupid as trying to knock over an ATM? I've seen Barber Shop, and Barber Shop 2, which in and of itself is a crime, but those two idiots couldn't make it happen, and that's a movie. Usually everything works out in the movies. No, if I'm going to get arrested, it's going to be for something far more calculated than that. I'm a go big or go home kind of girl. If I'm getting caught, it's on purpose. To become legendary. I only made this story up to potentially have something entertaining in this blog, in the event that I disappoint you with the truth. The reason I went MIA is because I'd just been back in California for the past 10 days. Just living the life at Pebble Beach. Soaking up the 70 degree weather while my friends back here on the East Coast were dealing with snow and cold. If it's any consolation, I wasn't outside very much. If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't care, but 70 degree weather in February...I'll take it. I'd love to say that the most interested thing happened to me at Pebble, but it didn't. This tournament was MUCH slower than The Open, but actually had celebrities. I will now take this moment to focus on what a pain in the ass celebrities really are.
1. They walk around pretending that they don't want attention from everyone around them, but the second they are around, it's pure chaos. My recommendation, celebrities, order room service if you really don't want people to fawn over you.
2. They immediately think that every one around them knows who they are. Considering my Bible is People magazine, of course I'm going to know who most of these clowns are, but please don't assume that just because you are a singer, that you are going to be immediately recognized by everyone around you.
3. Not only does the camera add 10 pounds, it adds 10 inches. All these people are short. I mean, even with flats on, I'm staring at the top of Kevin Costner's head. Oh, and Padma, eat a sandwich. I thought that if I sneezed you were going to blow down the stairs. You work on a cooking show for Christ sake. Don't you think you should actually eat what they are cooking?
4. George Lopez....stop asking my cocktail servers to break up with their boyfriends. They only have one kidney as it is and they aren't going to give it to you....ohhhhh burn.
To be honest, the only celebrity I have anything nice to say about is Clay Walker. Although my friends at Pebble would disagree with me. He was so humble when he walked in with his adorable little family. The hostess had no idea who he was and he actually runs a charity tournament there once a year. Of course I spoke to him like we were old friends. Got him a table right away, and not because he's Clay Walker, but because he had two little kids, under the age of 3 with him and if there is anything that I know, it's that if you are coming to a restaurant to eat with a child, let alone two, you are ready to eat now. You have no time to dilly dally. Of course it didn't hurt how well he has aged because he's still cute as a button.

All in all, it was an okay 10 days away. I really missed my dog and wanted to get home sooner than normal. I know for 10 days away I don't really have much to say, but if Dad knew I was blogging instead of doing his to-do list for him, I'd be in some trouble :o)

Hope to talk with you guys again before the weeks out!


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