Monday, October 25, 2010


Hey there, long time no talk. Been kind of busy these days, trying to put together a business plan and all. Oh yeah, it's going great! Moving really quickly as a matter of fact. I have some great stories from the wedding I went to this weekend, and I'll do my best to tell you all about that tomorrow. Today I wanted to recap an open ended story that a few of you keep asking me about. Remember that tall, dark, and handsome fellow I told you about? The one I met in Chicago? Well, you'll be happy to know that I did indeed find him about a week after we met. Turns out, if you just mention that you're looking for someone to people that might be younger than you and grew up with Facebook they can find someone in five minutes, when it's taken you a week to get his last name right. So, I sent him a little notey on Facebook and a few days later, he wrote back! I was so nervous about this development I wasn't quiet sure what to do next. We exchanged a few messages back and forth and one message eluded to the fact that he wanted to meet up in Philly soon. I was so excited I didn't know what to do. But, this was really happening. I found the guy, we made some plans, we became Facebook friends. What more could a girl ask for? And then came the moment when we got to Skype! I never knew how cool this thing could actually be until you're talking with someone that you only saw one night and got nervous just looking at. It's been a really long time since I've had butterflies. To be honest, I thought they migrated out of my body and were spending some time elsewhere. But, we had a really good talk and we had made plans to see each other the very next week. Well, like any good story, there is a beginning, and then the middle. Come to find out, all the while that he was talking to me about meeting up in Philly, he had also been planning a trip down to Florida with his dad. At the exact same time. I can't exactly say that this was a random coincidence, but instead of telling me, I find out from his Facebook status. Now, the whole point behind quitting my job was to really spend some time figuring myself out and what I wanted out of life. Try to put myself first and not revert back to former behavior of making sure that everyone else. So, with that in mind, I confront him because if there is one thing I really can't stand, it's someone making plans and then changing them thinking that if they didn't tell someone that they had just made plans with, but then posted it on Facebook, that it would be okay. He said it was the only time that his dad could go with him, but that he would plan on stopping by on his way back through. Not entirely sure what that meant, he was already 0-1 in my book. So, cue last week when I see a little note on his facebook saying that he was in the plains of North Carolina, heading home. So, I did what any girl in my position would do, I shot a note back asking when he was jetting through. He immediately writes back and tells me that he'll be there in a few hours, what did I have in mind. So, I wrote back telling him that we could definitely do dinner, but it would all depend on how long he was staying or if he was staying at all. Given that it was still two hours away I had plenty of time to get everything done that I needed to get done and still take a shower. But then I received a phone call telling me that Scout got into it with Roscoe once again and now I was to find a behaviorist. Well, this irritated me because I don't exactly have income coming in and there aren't too many people that do that kind of thing for free. So, I ended up going home, doing some packing for the wedding and by the time I was all done, it was 6. Funny, my email indicator light still hadn't gone off, and I REALLY wanted to go to the gym. So what did I do? Well, I'll tell you what I didn't do, wait around. That's what I didn't do. That little twerp didn't call, text, or email me that he came through. I find out at 9 pm that homeboy made it all the way home. How did I find that out? Oh, because he posted it on his Facebook page. Yeah, he's done in my book. It's too bad too because I thought it could have really been fun. So, that is the ending of the story. It wasn't quiet the fairy tale I wanted, but at least I knew now before investing any emotion into the thing.

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