Thursday, August 5, 2010

moving and packing, packing and moving

Is there anything in the world worse than packing? Okay besides fighting in a war or living with a terrible illness, or mourning the loss of a loved one? I wasn't trying to go the Debbie Downer route, but I guess I had to realistic here. It seems that the majority of my retirement days have been spent moving and packing and packing and cleaning and sweating and chasing and pretty much everything that I didn't want to spend my first few days doing. I'm only one person and I have a ton of stuff. I mean a TON of stuff. I spent 6 hours yesterday packing my kitchen. That's right my kitchen. Keep in mind that I only just moved into this house a mere 8 months ago so the first purge has already happened. I've been keeping a mental checklist of all the things that I've done in the four days of not working.
1. Been woken up 3 times at 6:30 in the morning and got to sleep in until 7:30 this morning. Upon going back to sleep, I am promptly again woken up by 9 am b/c I suppose my four legged friend just isn't wanting me to sleep much longer.
2. Not having internet in my house sucks! I've been to one Starbucks, Deweys twice, and now I'm sitting in Borders b/c I figured that no loud mouth person can come in and be on the phone here. By the way, of all the places that I have pirated Wifi, I want to give a shout out to my friends at Borders. Not only do they not question what you're doing in their establishment, but they bring around cafe samples of cookie dough coolada. Instead of moving back to my parents, I might just stay in Borders.
3. Doing P90x when you want too, at the times you want to, and if you want to makes a huge difference. Tony isn't annoying me as much and instead of feeling like I have to get up and do the exercise, I actually welcome it b/c it doesn't involve a box or a dog.
4. I have conveniently run out of cereal and lunch meat all in the same day. However, I do still have milk and bread. But, at the same time, I packed my bowls so even if I went to go buy cereal, I still wouldn't have a place to put it. I'm still here until Sunday afternoon. I'm going to have to teach someone to sleep longer so I can get closer to lunch time. There are only so many cheese sandwiches and glasses of milk one girl can drink in the morning.
5. Upon leaving this house I have made three trips to Goodwill and thrown out three baking sheets, two pans, almost all my Tupperware, and after 6 hours, I STILL have shit in the dishwasher to put in a box. And I moved 8 months ago? Really?!?!?!?
6. I have spent no less than $40 on bubble wrap and packing tape. I got my boxes for free and ended up spending all my dough on bubble wrap and tape! Who knew so little could cost so much?
7. I have consumed no less than 1 billion calories since "retiring". I have managed to eat dinner out every night this week and without the lunch meat situation, we might be looking at lunch as well.
8. For one person, have I mentioned how much crap I have? My entire guest room is filled with boxes and furniture. I haven't even started on my room. I figured I would procrastinate as much as possible today. Besides a book on starting your own doggie day care and maybe the book club book I don't plan on walking out of here with very many purchases, but I do plan on spending as much time as possible.
9. If any state wants to ban texting and driving (and they all should) you should make all phones touch screens. Me and my new phone are like taking a penguin and sticking him in Africa. I'm like a new baby learning to walk. It's a fun walk, but I feel like a giant retard.

I honestly can't wait for the fun to start. Everyone keeps asking me how not working is and if I have to spend the rest of my days packing and moving, count me out!

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