Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Alright, I know how long it's been since I've posted a blog. Trust me, as many times as I'm reminded that I have not provided a distraction from work or life I honestly have not had 10 minutes, until now, to sit down and type. I'm not entirely sure that I'll be able to do justice to all the stuff I have been doing since we last met. I'll try though. So where do I start? The last time we talked I was having a huge issue with my room mate in New York. I feel like that was so long ago. Since then here is what has happened...
**Dad's 60th birthday party. Now on the surface this doesn't sound like a real difficult task, however, when you have to put together a video and have absolutely no idea step one of this activity it takes up about 87% of your life. PS, yes, I did go to school and graduate with a Radio-TV-Film degree, but when did a class in school ever prepare you for real life? Hindsight I realize how easy this could have been, but when you throw in three VHS videos that have been turned into DVDs, but only converted frame by frame, it causes a little bit of a difficulty when you want it done now. Throw in CVS taking their sweet ass time converting our pictures into a disk and you have something that normally would take 3 days stretched out into weeks. Not to mention that no one told me that if you're going to add music, one should add the music from the beginning and then continue on from there. Don't ever put songs on the DVD sporadically, it doesn't work. Well, I'm glad Dad loved the DVD, b/c if he didn't, I would make him! And then there was the day before, when we had the family gathering for the present opening. Meg thought it would be fun to buy everyone lotto tickets, innocent, of course. Well, she had, in addition to the normal lotto tickets, bought gag lotto tickets and we thought it would be fun to play a joke on my brother. So as the evening was drawing to a close, we started to hand out the tickets. Everyone but brother bear got normal tickets. As he starts scratching his ticket, I grab the flip cam and can't stop laughing, so I have to leave the room. Meg puts her head down and begins her giggle fit as well. From the hallway all I can hear is "wait a minute, wait a minute. What does that say?". I have, of course, filmed this entire moment, and when I figure out how to download this footage on my computer, you bet your ass I'll show it. He hands the ticket to my dad, who confirms that he has, indeed, won $50,000. He then hands it to my aunt who notices that we have not been able to breathe during this entire time. Phillip gets so mad that this is a joke ticket that the mood of the room immediately shifts. Of course, Meg and I cannot stop laughing even though Phillip keeps saying how unfunny this whole thing is. As we begin to calm down, a background story is revealed. Apparently for the past couple of months, all my brother has been telling my dad is that all he needs to be all set is $50,000. What are the odds that this is the exact amount of money that the gag lotto ticket was? Although this is a little sad, it's also so unbelievably funny it's hard not to laugh when reliving this story.

Okay, I know I owe you more stories, but in all honesty, I've done so much stuff today that I really need to take a break and do nothing right now. I promise I'll have part two of what I've been doing tomorrow!

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