Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My Kind of Town....Chicago is

Chi Town, the Windy City, Sweet Home Chicago. In case you aren't very good at picking up clues, the next phase of our "retirement" adventure lead me to the amazing city of Chicago. Now, I've been to Chicago a handful of times, but I have never gone in the summer. I always hear people talking about how nice Chicago is in the summer time, but I figured it was just like any other city during the summer, hot. Not the case! Chicago is probably the nicest city I have ever been to in August. The breeze is blowing just so and the actual temperature is so mild that if you were to wear jeans or long pants, you wouldn't die. It was amazing! So, what was I doing in Chicago you ask yourself? Well, a friend needed some help with her kids, so I went. I have known these kids their whole lives and the last time I spent time with them I swore they were not allowed back into my house, but it had been 3 years since that incident so I figured I was okay. I felt that a 10 and 13 year old couldn't cause too much physcological damage, right? Well, yes and no. I certainly didn't walk away from this little adventure wanting a bus load of my own, but I do still love the girls. How else would I have let them live? It appeared that upon my arrival, the four days of my trip were already planned out for me. There were things we could do and things that had to wait until daddy got there. So, of course I got to endure the crap, while daddy got to wait for the reward. Let's go in order of days in which I was there.

Sunday: Arrive after a long weekend of family gatherings and parties. I had the ability to sit down for approximately 12 seconds before the question of what we were going to do the rest of the night was asked. Luckily mom was around to help field these questions. The answer, walk over to Navy Pier, look around and eat dinner. As I look out the window of our hotel on S. Michigan Ave, I kindly suggest to momma bear that we take a cab. Navy Pier might look close, but to four little legs this is not going to be fun. So, with cameras, kids and a map in toe we head out. Got to walk through Grant Park, see Buckingham Fountain, took a few pictures, then found a cab. Got to Navy Pier, heard at almost every opportunity, mom, I want to ride that! Mom, I need that! Stop pulling the bag! Stop walking so close to me. AHHHHHH! This was only day one. I needed a beer, stat! Thankfully mom was on the same page. So, after reaching the end of the Pier, finding the beer garden, allowing the kids to ride ONE ride, we got to sit down at the infamous Billy Goats Tavern. You know the one, Cheezbooger, Cheezbooger, Cheezbooger. Pepsi, no Coke. Chips, no fries? Billy Murray SNL skit? Any who, this is the moment where my body finally got to relax with a cold beer in my hands. It was amazing! And as I looked down at my watch, I realized it was only 8:30! Holy crap. How long do children stay awake? Anyway, thankfully mom was on the same page once again. Now the plan was as soon as we were done dinner, we would go back to the hotel and head to the pool. Well, they would go to the pool. Someone was feeling terrible about themselves so someone was not getting in a suit, which was just fine by me b/c I wasn't interested in getting in the pool anyway. I would get to sit there and read......right. If you don't have children and you think that anything is easy when they are around, think again. You get questions and watch me do this and tell me who does this better. I did actually ask the 10 year old where her off switch was. Unfortunately it's up her nose to the left, so I left it alone. As one would think leaving the pool and heading up to bed would be the easiest thing to do, even that lead to complications. Where was everyone sleeping, who got to sleep with mommy and who got to sleep with Katherine. At that point all I wanted was a shower and to lay down. Luckily while I was bathing the decision was made for me. So all was well as we headed off to dream land.

Monday: When traveling with me, if there is one thing people can count on, it would be that I ALWAYS have at least one workout outfit with me. You never know when you really need a run. It's the ultimate relaxer for me. Well, for some reason, this trip, I didn't bring one. Not a sports bra, not a gym short, nothing. And what would you know, the 13 year old wants to train for her 5k that she has coming up next weekend. Of course. So, I find the nearest Target, which luckily was within walking distance, and we head out. One sports bra, one pair of shorts, three pairs of underwear, one pair of really cute shoes that I got a great deal on and $57 dollars later, we leave. I actually had the 13YO recheck the receipt to make sure I paid for everything correctly. Who would think that a sports bra, in which I have about 20 of at home, would be the most expensive thing I would purchase? Oh and we also bought a case of 24 bottles of water for $3. I couldn't resist, since we had a suite. Note to self though, in the event that you are going to buy a case of water, maybe you should be within one or two walking blocks of you current place of residence. Carrying that much water for about 10 blocks has a tendency to strain your arms. An idea that looked great on paper. 30 minutes later, we got back to the room, changed our clothes and we were out again. Only to be informed that 13 year old only wanted to run a mile. After explaining to her that our little walk to and from Target to purchase $57 worth of anything should afford me the opportunity to run until I couldn't run anymore. She agreed, we were on our way. I let her lead, b/c neither one of us had any idea where we were going, but our Cardio Tracker was keeping track and the park was a big square so nothing could really go wrong. However, little legs, although little, can run much faster than older, longer legs. Who knew? Another 30 minutes later, we were both finished running and knew we had to go get the little one. So a quick shower and we were back on our way to the train station to pick up 10 year old, who happened to go into work with her mom. A stop in to Potbelly to grab some lunch, a first "El" experience for the 13 year old, a trek in the wrong direction, for a little bit and we were off. We turn the corner onto Michigan Ave, the other end, and we are greeted by a movie set. 13YO is so enamored with whoever it might be that the stories just keep flowing...what if it's blah blah blah. What if I get discovered? And all I'm thinking is, what if this is an episode of the Dog Whisperer and you're just talking for no reason. We FINALLY arrive at the Hyatt to pick up 10YO. Stop in to have some lunch, turn back around to head back out. This time armed with the information that it's actually Transformers 3 that is filming so now were on Shia LeBouf sightings. I personally would like to run into him to ask for all my money and time back that he's wasted on the movies that I've had to sit through with him in it. The girls want to see him b/c 1. He's dreamy and 2. They remember him from Even Stevens. Which happens to be the only show that I would possibly watch again with him it. He's terrible. He and Mandy Moore should make a movie and call it The Worst Movie of all time, Movie. Yeah, I don't like her either. Back on the train, the decision is made that today would be the Field Museum day. Let me also take some time right now and explain that when you grow up in the DC area, one of the biggest things that you take for granted is the free access to all museums and zoos and attractions in the area. And they aren't too shabby either. So, as you travel around the country and take in the local sights you begin to realize how lucky you were growing up where you did. Okay, so here we are in what I would call the natural history museum. We have been given a pass to go see some dinosaur movie at 2:45. Currently it's 1 so I'm thinking we have plenty of time to get where we need to go. So, we do what any normal person would do, we head into the first exhibit we find. HO-LY CRAP. I swear to you that we were back in that area until 2:30 b/c we could literally not find our way out. It got to the point that we had to start walking faster just to make sure that we could actually get out. It was ridiculous! There was so much stuff and so much read. And if the crap was actually working, so much to press and play, but it wasn't, so they were just buttons. Thanks, field museum. As luck would have it, we made it to the 3D movie just in time. Where I was informed that these two young ladies don't actually like 3D movies and are scared. Well, why did we come? B/c we thought it would be fun. Side note again. I don't actually believe in dinosaurs. I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but bare with me. Dinosaurs didn't ever appear in the bible. And I think it's a huge conspiracy that they exist. I don't personally know any paleontologists, but if I did, I'm not sure we would be friends, b/c I'm waiting for the day that the news comes out that it's been a big hoax and I was right. So, for me to sit in a movie about T-Rex and how she was discovered was a huge stretch for me. Luckily it was a dumb movie and the hand holding was not necessary. So we leave, head over to the gems exhibit, which was the only one I wanted to see, and then go home. Mark it, 3 hours total we were there before we were finished. It was 13YO pick for dinner, so with a quick trip home at about 1 hour total, we were back out on the street walking to the sushi restaurant that she picked. If nothing else, I can say these kids eat well. After dinner, we head back to the pool for a nice relaxing hour and head back in bed.

Okay, have to break for a job interview at 12:30...more later. We're just getting to the good stuff. Wish me luck!

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