Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This weekend I learned the best word that completely describes the time I've been having over the past couple of months. I would like to give credit to my good friend Melanie for introducing me to funemployment. And boy has it been! So much so that I went on two job interviews with the same company last week, they offered me the job, I took the weekend to think about it, and I still can't decide if I want to take it. Now, I understand that the whole purpose behind working is to make money. Those fortunate few people that actually love what they do and don't consider it work, the rest of us want to know your secret. But, I don't think I'm done enjoying my time here. Sure, the well is certainly going to run dry, and quick. But who's in a hurry? The funniest part about this whole job offer is the main reason I don't want to take it is b/c the salary is so low. HA! Can you imagine? Someone, who doesn't actually have steady income flowing in, saying that she doesn't want to take a job b/c she doesn't think it's enough money. It's hard to explain to people, but one of the main reasons I left my last job was b/c I felt I was burnt out. I'm 32 years old. I've been working my whole life and I reached a point where I just wanted to take some time for myself and figure out what I wanted. What I was passionate about. I don't want a job that will stress me out. I don't want to feel like I'm saving babies, when I'm not, and I certainly don't want to stress about money when I don't need too. I get that when I moved back here, things were going to cost a lot more money. Did you know that moving from Winston Salem back to the DC area increased my cost of living expenses by 71%?!?! Now, add on top of that that the job that was offered would be lowering what I was making before by $25k! Is it a great job? Eh, it's okay. I haven't honestly even started looking for a new one yet, so I'm not entirely sure what's out there. But, I did tell myself, upon leaving The Dash that it's not about the money, as long as I'm doing what's making me happy. However, that's the part I'm at right now. I have no idea what would make me happy. I love relaxing. I love taking this time off. I hate being on my computer and can't pay attention long enough to write my blog every day unless I have a million people yelling at me. I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up. So, I'm stuck. On one hand I have a job offer, that would pay me money, but I would be working insane hours at a high stress level, in a few months. On the other hand, I have nothing :o) Why am I loving nothing so much? Why do I feel that when I really put my mind to it that I'll find the perfect job, no problem? Why would I rather make beans working at a Doggie Day Care, than get paid an actual salary at a grown up job? Dear world, these are the grown up decisions I am faced with every day! I've got a follow up call in 10 minutes I need to prepare for. Wish me luck and I'll let you all know what I decide :o)

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