Thursday, September 23, 2010

Organs for sale

I firmly believe that if you have two of something you should be able to sell one of them, no? So, if I have two kidneys and only need one, or 10 fingers and could do without two of them, and my bone marrow and blood, that all grows back, right? Do you think I could get about $500k for all that combined? B/c that's what I'm going to need to open my own doggie day care! I'm not exactly down in the dumps about this nor am I discouraged from actually pursuing this dream. It's just gotten a little further away. After my meeting yesterday, I realized that people who open their own businesses are huge risk takers. I'm ready to be one and know that the idea that I have is a gold mine, it's just how I'm going to get there that seems to be the issue at hand. This might sound crazy, but I had no idea when you paid a franchise fee, that all the other stuff doesn't come with it. You really just get the name alone. So what the hell do I care if my day care is called Dogtopia or Kat's Dog's place or Scouts? That last two would save me $150k alone. So, what do I get with the franchise? Well, besides the name, I get to give them 7% each month, off the top, of my earnings. Doesn't seem to make sense to me. I've already paid you $150k, why do you get more? Can't I just make that money on my own now? This is all so very confusing to me. I mean honestly, do they know what I could buy with that kind of money? I would sell my own name for that kind of money right now. I guess I also get some training and some online marketing, but really? If that doesn't work and drive in business, can't I just read a book? Aren't there plenty of online sources that would save me the cash? I feel like I'm so far away from this dream and the bubble bursters are all around me. I suppose I would rather know about all this information before hand than jump in and have a million OH SHIT moments, but still. Can't someone give me ten minutes of basking in the glow of my great idea before popping another one of my balloons? And while I'm at it, I was thinking of having a fund raiser party. You all would be invited, however the catch is, that each table will cost $50,000 each. I would serve some amazing food and the entertainment would be excellent. I hope you all could make it. See! I'm no good at this asking for money business. If it was like $20 here and there, no problem. If I was running a marathon for a cause, drop in the bucket. But, going around asking my friends and family if they would like to take a huge risk and invest in an idea that could possibly make a huge profit, but there are no guarantees, turns my stomach. I would rather spend a dollar ever month and play the lottery. Who has that kind of cash? Possibly not a rhetorical question if you actually have it. My friend last night at dinner suggested that I go meet a rich guy and have him front the money. Well, while this sounds great in theory, I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE and that hasn't worked. Now that I actually need it, I'm not sure I have it in me to hit on old man river and have him buy me a doggie day care while I "work it off". Ick, the thought alone is making me want to throw up in my mouth. My luck the old curmudgeon would be like the longest living person on earth. So, now I wait until Monday when I meet with the actually franchise company to have them tell me more information to crush my dream. But maybe not. Maybe some sort of miracle will happen and they will just love me so much they would be willing to take a risk themselves.....Yeah, I didn't think so either.

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