Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Is there anything sadder than the fact I'm so excited for LIVE TV to start again? I could hardly contain my excitement when I got to set my parents DVR. I even asked them, kindly to erase everything that they already had on there so that I had more room. First I move in and now I'm asking them to change their TV watching habits for me. Hey, that's what you get! But honestly, I think we are slowing reaching the end of our "living at home" rope. It's not that they've done anything, but this whole, having room mates nonsense is a little out of my element. I actually don't know what to do with myself these days. I can't even create diversions of fun b/c all of my friends are at work during the day, so I don't really have anyone to play with. Well, except Scout. But she doesn't really count b/c the second she starts barking at the neighbors we have to go in. Which is a lot, so my fun with her is even limited. I've tried to spend more time at the gym, but who honestly wants to do that, if you're not getting paid for it. So, I sit and wait and count the days until it's time to go to Vegas! Which, by the way is 10, in case you would like to write it down in your dream journal. I should even find more time to blog, but honestly it's hard. I mean, with all the other crap I could or should be doing, who has time for a life? It's is essentially the reason that I haven't blogged as much. I think to myself who wants to actually read about nothing that I'm doing? Nothing really funny is happening, but it is a lot of stuff, actually. I didn't really start to get bored until yesterday. I did get sad this weekend though. Meg and I were at a purse party, and we needed a few hours before we went home. So her suggestion was to head to DSW. Normal Katherine would have jumped on the chance, but broke ass, jobless Katherine wanted to sit out in the parking lot and cry. I love DSW. I love shoes. Everything about shoes I love. It pained me to walk in there and not buy anything. It would almost be as bad as walking through a kennel and not looking at the cute puppies. Okay, maybe a little dramatic, but it's how I felt. And worst yet, I had to help her pick out shoes! So, instead of walking around aisle by aisle, as I normally do, I put my head down and went to the back of the store, in the clearance section. I tried to stick to the 8's, but found myself being called over to the 9.5's. I mean, what is a girl to do? I guess the "good news" if you can call it that, was that I made it out there without a pair of shoes. But my pride, OH my pride was sorely bruised at that moment. I've never really valued the dollar before now. Well, okay, that's not entirely true either. I haven't had to live on a budget in a number of years, that I forgot what it's all about. Now I do understand what a spoiled brat I sound like, and maybe I am being one. As I was whining the other day, we did drive by a Goodwill and I feel it was a little slap in the face from God that instead of whining about what I don't have nor need, it could always be a lot worse. So, no more whining. I'm going to pick myself up, tie my old ass shoes on tight, put one foot in front of the other, and figure out what I'm going to do when I grow up. The first step will hopefully be tomorrow morning when I meet with the people from a local Doggie day care. Beginning the process of my dream idea. Let's just hope I'm not walking into a lions den of dream killers. That would really suck.

I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. Wish me luck!

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