Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Grass isn't always Greener

So, the last time we were with our hero, she was in the midst of a "love triangle" between a perfect stranger and the guy who had been rolling the red carpet out for her. The predicament was, can she find the total stranger, or does she just let it go and stick with what she has? To find out what she does, we need to go back to the scene of the crime. I believe we last left off with the second to last day of my Chicago trip. This day I was only in charge of one munchkin and this one wanted pool time and start gazing time and just more energy than one person should have. So I called in the Calvary of reinforcements from Maine. After two hours in the pool that morning. That's right, TWO HOURS and running on about 5 hours of sleep, Emma, 10YO and I are joined by, let's just call him, Mister Wizard. Mister Wizard had been travelling the country and thought that he would bump his Chicago trip up early to come visit me and help out with the girls. Little did I know that instead of adding one more adult to the mix, I was, unfortunately joined by a third child. Again, let this be said. I completely appreciate the fact that this guy drove all this way to come see me when I have absolutely no idea when the next I will see him is, but I did want him with me more for moral support rather than added stress. What he thought was helping, wasn't. So, I leave the children to play for a little while, and know that soon, we are going to have to head up to the room, shower and begin our journey to the planetarium before it was too late. It was almost too easy getting Emma out of the pool. It was MW that wanted to stay in. Apparently someone hadn't showered in like 3 days, so this was kind of a refresher course for him. Yeah, exactly, gross. I'm not making this up either. He actually said these words. To me...and a 10YO, which of course is going to be repeated....a number of times....to anyone that will listen. This happened quiet a bit, unfortunately during the few days he was with us, so it's good to know your audience. We clean, we change, we're on our way. It was at the Aquarium where I looked ahead and thought that the Planetarium looked way closer from the hotel than it did from where my feet and body were at the present time. But, it was during this walk that MW and Emma became the best of friends, so in a way, it was worth it. We finally get to the Planet Arium where we find out that we have two movie options that we can sit down to watch. But, true to this entire weeks schedule, we have to leave now b/c the first one is starting in 3 minutes. Of course it is. Oh, and another important note to know about this exact moment, MW hadn't eaten all day and it was like 12:30, Emma was starting to get hungry, the movie was 23 minutes, followed by the second feature which was 37 minutes so we couldn't eat until 2. Plus, they were trying to sell me another movie that was 45 minutes long. Second note to the Museum staff in Chicago: Your audience is made up of primarily small children who can't sit still for longer than 10 minutes unless you have a Jonas Brother, Miley Cirus, or Justin Beiber. Please stop making these terrible movies so long. Half way through, no one is paying attention to what is going on and instead is listening to the kid in the background who is confused about whatever is being said b/c he's taking it literally. Finally we are able to sit down and eat something. By this time, we're all so hungry that we actually get desert too. For the record, this museum blows! There are three floors, two of which are movie theaters. The other floor has a kids exploration center and a solar system area. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't planetariums supposed to have constellations in them. Aren't you supposed to be able to sit in a room and someone points out all the stars in the sky? I know growing up we had field trips, to what would become my high school. And Old Jack, yes, that was his name, would take out his awesome laser pointer and shoot us across the night sky. It was memorable. Ask any kid that grew up in this area around the same time as I did and they would probably say the same thing. But this place was a dump! I think this might have been the quickest place we got through. I actually felt bad for MW b/c this was right up his alley, but even he thought it sucked. So, we leave, grab some Italian Ice for the walk back and, of course, someone wants more pool time. This time I'm not getting in. I give them both 45 minutes b/c now the plan is to head across town, get a thick slice of pizza and head to Navy Pier to watch the fireworks. I hope you guys are getting tired just reading this and understand what exactly is going into the task that is becoming this trip to Chicago. Luckily the 13YO is back so I have some back up. We get everyone right on schedule, get to our pizza place, dominate more food and head to the Pier. I've promised a Haunted House and been promised a beer. So, while the two little ones were in the house, I got my drink on outside. It is at this exactly moment that I realize that MW is my little life saver. He's providing the beer. A short time later, my little oasis is interrupted. We walk around the mall, find candy, head back out to watch the fireworks with my little dancers. Tomorrow I'm going to have to post the video of them dancing. It's way too much. They are a funny bunch. I call them my cute little ninjas. They look innocent, but trust me, under that layer of sugar and spice is nothing but trouble in the making. In all honesty, it was a great way to round out the week. Having these two little girls that I've known since they were born, getting along with a great guy, in one of most wonderful cities in the country. I know that I bitched a lot about how worn down they made me, and they did make me, but I did have a great time!

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