Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Defying Gravity

I have no idea if I am the only one on the planet that thinks this way, but considering I have such an artistic family I truly doubt it, but my life, my moods, my place in life is always defined by the theme music in which I have given myself at the time. That music used to come in forms of my ring tone to my MySpace Music and occasionally I would post a little note up on Facebook of how I'm feeling that day in song. I've span the musical globe through songs like Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson, to Crazy in Love by Beyonce and Jay-Z, Follow Through by Gavin DeGraw to my most recent kick of Defying Gravity from the Wicked soundtrack. All these songs have played such a part in my life that you can tell what I'm feeling by what might be playing in my office/car/room. My favorite song in the world is Your Song by Elton John, the songs that cheer me up when I'm pissed or irritated are Jimmy Thing by Dave Mathews and Wake me Up Before you Go-Go by Wham. I have the song I want to dance with my father too at my mythological wedding. The song I want to dance with my brother too at this same wedding. A song for my sister, a song for Meg, hell, occasionally I even have a song for Norman. The likelihood of you being in my life and not having a song for you is so rare. But, don't put me on the spot or anything. For me to know what your song is off the top of my head, I have to at least have known you for three years. And you probably should be in good graces with me or your song has changed. Unless you made such an impact during a certain song that I couldn't forget you. I just love what music does for me. It can transfer me to a place that isn't where I currently am. And I don't mean The Dash so not in the literal sense, I mean where I might mentally be. I actually think that if we lived in a musical world, we wouldn't have so many problems. Can you imagine if the Jets were our biggest threat? We could all just dance around and eventually end up on the same side of the issue. Even their knife fights are choreographed. I just think we're approaching this world peace thing the wrong way. If you gave everyone a Suri with a fringe on top, told them that instead of crying about the weather, to go Sing in the Rain. The sun will always come out tomorrow and somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds really do fly. We might just beat this thing. Of course I could be looking at the world through rose colored glasses, but who cares?! You name me one musical where people don't fall in love, the problem doesn't get worked out in the end by some sort of huge dance routine, or an actual world issue is brought up and I'll show you a satire. Yes, I love to laugh and yes I understand that these are movies and real life doesn't work out that way. But what if, WHAT IF we started making life imitate art? Would it really be all that bad? I have about a billion VonTraps that could persuade even the harshest critique. So, I leave you with the video/song that is inspiring me to move mountains and after you watch it, you tell me that we couldn't make the world just a little bit better with a little song and dance routine.

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