Friday, July 2, 2010

Technology week

I thought I would round out the week with another addition of Katherine's delve into technology. The latter part of the week has led us on a little adventure into the world of lap tops. Believe it or not, but in my 32 years of existence, I have never actually owned my own lap top. I've have my fair share of blackberry's, but never a lap top. My last job provided me with one, I think. You know what, now that I think more about it, I can't actually remember if they did or not. This job has given me one, that is my everyday computer. But I thought, it was time to spread my wings and do the grown up thing and maybe step into the 21st century. Oh Lord, if I thought picking a cell phone was tough, holy crap! This is a whole new level of difficulty that I know nothing about. There are Netbooks and Notebooks and gigabits and RAM and all sorts of nerd speak I really don't know anything about. So, I do what any normal red blooded girl would do, I look for the one that looks the best, duh! As one girl to another, my suggestion is not to do this. As this theory might apply to football teams and basketball brackets, you need a little more than looking great for technology. I go to Overstock and Amazon and Best Buy and ebay and pretty much anywhere that might provide me an idea of what I'm looking at cost wise. I spot a nice little red netbook that goes for under $300. I think that all I need this for is the internet and some Microsoft aps so that shouldn't take up too much space, right? I Google "laptop reviews" in hopes to shed a little more light on my current situation. She got a 8 out of 10 stars. Not too bad. Let's see what else does it say? Very compact, 10' screen, 1GB of memory (whatever that means), people seem to love it, or at least what their reviews say. It fits into my price range, I'm just a little concerned about the size. 10' is really small FOR A LAPTOP. I'm used to staring at this 15' monster where I can see most everything clearly. I have a 10' DVD player, I think, but I'm not sure I could type on it. So I look through all my other options. Anything else that I want is way out of my price range. My dad also tells me that not only am I paying for the computer, but I then have to pay for the application upgrades that are going to run me another $250. And on top of that, I have to make sure that my computer has enough memory to store this software and have extra space. Argh! WTF! Are you kidding me with this? I thought this technology was constantly changing? Why are these things so expensive. Well after days and days of research and no one to give me answers (curse you Radio Shack), I finally decide to head into Best Buy to ask someone who might have an idea of what I need. I honestly am such a girl sometimes. "ummm, okay, here's what I'm looking for. I need a laptop that can do documents and internet. I want to keep this for a long time and not have to worry about it. I was looking at netbooks, but I really have no idea what I'm doing so if you could help me, that would be great." I really think that when it comes to customer service the big guy upstairs is trying to test me b/c this girl was on her second day on the job in the computer department. We walked around to the front where there were some on sale. Side note, I do know what computers do, I just don't know what I need in one. So, in being there for 45 minutes here is what I walked away with:
*netbooks are good if you're 10 or 95. If you really want to used them a lot, you're better off with a notebook (which is also a laptop)
*Nicole LOVES Dell's and will only buy Dell. I can buy a Gateway if I want, but she doesn't recommend it.
*There are about 1 million computer companies in the world that do the same damn thing and everyone has an opinion about which one is best. One should limit someones comments to helpful suggestions instead of ripping apart the competition.
*What I need is in the neighborhood of 3GB and 350 internal memory? Whatever that means.
*I do not look like a gamer, so I won't need that kind of equipment. (What gave that away? The nice tan hue to my skin which leads one to believe that I don't spend my time in my basement fighting off demons and being afraid of girls? Not that I'm passing judgement, virgins, I'm just saying I don't look like one)
*And I picked 3 that I liked, and yes, one was based on color choices.
So with all my acquired "knowledge" I head back to do a little more research. Yes, I Google Dell vs. Gateway to find out what the public is saying. This is where I learn that my cousin HATES Dell's, my parents like them, my friend HATES Gateways and thinks Dells are okay, but suggests other models. My head is honestly hurting at all this information. So, I sit down and I price compare everything! Head over to the Dell website where I can build my own computer for less than what I would be spending at Best Buy. I can even get a pink one that gives $5 to Susan G Koman. A little break from reality here. Deep thoughts...I'm all for giving to a charity and think it's great when companies make their products pink or red in awareness, but are you kidding me with me spending $600 and you're only giving $5 to Susan G Koman?!?!?!? You can't spare anymore than that? I can give more than that to them, sorry pink cover. Okay, we're back. So, as I'm creating my own internet sensation into the future, I remember my parents telling me that there are deals where you can get free financing for 6-12 months through certain companies and that I should look into that. I click on the link at Dell, get approved within seconds and then read the fine print. Customers qualify for free financing for 6 months after spending $699 at checkout. I'm sorry, come again? I wasn't planning on spending that kind of dough, BEFORE I added the programs on it. Looks like it was back to the drawing board. Since Gateway was out, I head over to the HP website. Front page of the website, HUGE 4th OF JULY LAPTOP SALE. Well that works for me. I like the 4th of July and I love sales so we might have a winner here. I select one that I can build myself. This was so much fun, I just kept going. Added my Microsoft Office, got my webcam to Skype my friends and see my God son grow up, pushed finished and after taxes, it was still less than I would have had to spend on Dell. Plus, everyone told me how good HP's were. Where were you people in the beginning, I ask? The moral to the story is this, if you need me to install your speakers, give me a call. Fix something that is broken in your house, I'm usually your girl. Know what the hell I'm doing when ordering anything technical, you're better off asking your dog.

Happy Birthday America!!!! Keep on rockin'

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