Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Age

Since the biggest news of my life is that in 4 days I'm leaving my job, the stress level around me has gone dramatically down and the most random thoughts and conversations have started happening. For instance, on Friday was my friend Laura's birthday, so a group of us met at a local watering hole and started to talk about how we looked, versus how we felt, versus how old we actually were. Since none of us look the ages that we actually are, I began to think to myself, in my 32 years of existence on this fine planet what was my favorite birthday? What age did I love being? Which one would I like to go back and relive? In my later years I have developed quiet the bad memory, so childhood birthdays are out. As a matter of fact, we could probably just go ahead and throw the whole childhood out as a part of my life I would like to revisit. I'm sure there were parties at McDonalds, roller skating parties, parties in the basement, the typical kid stuff, but if I don't remember it, I'm not sure it actually happened. I do remember one particular birthday, it was my 16th to be exact. Norman had planned this super secret surprise party. The only thing I actually remember was that it was a surprise. Yeah, don't feel sorry for me. I came out okay. Ticks here and there, but all in all, okay. So, my favorite birthday would have to be my 30th in Las Vegas. I had decided that since I wasn't married by that point and most of my friends were, that I would throw a bash in Sin City. I was going to register and have a party, the whole nine yards, but since so many of my friends were able to make it, and they were already spending money to come see me, I threw away the registry idea. Plus, when I do actually get married, who else is going to buy me that rice cooker? (I know Heather, I still have the one you gave me. It was an example, geesh :)) It was a BLAST! Who knew you could have so much fun in the winter in Las Vegas? I put together a scavenger hunt on The Strip and divided my friends into teams. Since I've made so many different friends throughout different parts of my life, a lot of them didn't know each other. I thought this was the perfect time for me to have everyone mingle. And everyone got really into it. We had prizes at the end, at dinner, and everything. Some people got to see parts of Vegas they never thought existed. Plus, if you're not a big gambler, you got the chance to do something different for the day. And believe me, it took the whole day! I'd be happy to send this over to anyone that's interested in taking a peek at it. I've done some creative things in my life, but this one might take the cake. I'm pretty proud of it, if you can't tell. I've got to say, I have some pretty amazing friends. Just writing about that trip made me think about what a fun time I had. Anyway, so dinner was at Batista's hole in the wall. Again, if you haven't been there, it's a little Italian joint behind what used to be Barbary Coast. They have the BEST fried Ravioli outside of St.Louis. They have all you can drink wine and a little tiny man that comes around playing the accordion. NO JOKE! It's awesome! I can't think of one part of this trip that didn't rock! We danced the night away at Studio 54 where I know now that my life will probably be forever changed :) It was just one of those legendary trips that I was so happy to say was because of my birthday! Have I mentioned that I have amazing friends? Because I do!
I used to think that I wanted to be 25 again. Every time someone around me turns 25 I get a smile. 25 is a GREAT year. If you've been it and don't know what I'm talking about, take some time and be 25. Do whatever the hell you want to do and have no regrets. Drink as much as you want, party as much as you want, and walk into work on Monday, just like the rock star that you are. If you are 25 and not doing this yet, start! YOU...WILL...REGRET IT.....if you don't. There is no other time in your life that people will turn a blind eye to you being just absolutely ridiculous than between the ages of 23-25. 25 is the last year you are allowed to get away with it. At 26 you all of a sudden become a grown-up and people start expecting more from you. At 25 you are stupid. Make no mistake. But you are allowed to be, and almost encouraged to be. You're discovering who YOU are, not who your parents, professors, boyfriends, girlfriends, society wants you to be. But at the same time, I did mention that this is what I used to think. If I could be 25 now and know what I also know now, I would do it in a second. But it so true that with age comes wisdom. When I was in my 20's, I used to think that people in their 30's and even 40's were full of it. That they were just lecturing me because I was being stupid and young. Boy was I wrong. I didn't know anything, and will fully admit that I hope I learn so much more as I get older. It's actually exciting to discover yourself changing the way you deal with certain issues. How much you can see and feel yourself grow from your mistakes of the past. So, maybe with this new life change I will relive 25 as a 32 year old. Probably not though. Those amazing friends I told you about won't let me live in my parents basement for the rest of my life, and either will they :)

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