Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank you kind sir

I'm all for saving the earth. I mean, I used to not care about recycling at all, but then a friend of mine pointed out just how many cans of soda I used to just throw away and I became more cautious. Well, maybe not just cautious, but obsessed. I'm constantly realizing what I use, what I buy, and I always ask at other peoples houses if they recycle before I toss anything that I could give back to the earth. So imagine my surprise, as I walk out my front door this morning at 6:38 AM to the recycle man with a scowl on his face. My dog is going nuts. I mean, berzerk and this guy is lecturing me on how if I don't turn my recycle bin in the correct direction that he is not going to collect it anymore. I had to ask him twice what he said as Old Yeller would not stop with the barking. He even put a Sad Face sticker on my bin to remind me of my wrong doing. I almost asked him if he was kidding because as I look down the street I notice that every single one of the bins that are out on the curb are facing the SAME direction as mine was. And not only that, the little jerk put my bin back the exact same way as he got it out. Apparently there is some arm that comes out of his truck that allows him to not have to do more work than pressing a button. I have tremendous respect for those human beings that pick up garbage. Especially my garbage. Since 99% of what I put in that bin is dog poop and and it's been hot out, you can see where my respect comes in. But are you seriously going to strike up conversation with me at 6:30 in the morning, when clearly I don't want to be out of bed, let alone get lectured by you on which way my bins faced because you had to get out of your truck?!?! And on top of it threaten to not take my bins the next time they face the wrong way? Come on guy, really?!?!?! I'm sorry I made you do work so early in the morning. I'm sorry my bin was facing the wrong way. How about this one. How about next time you decide to change out the bins, you bring a sister the correct one so she doesn't have to steal her non-existent neighbors. How about you make your trucks a little quieter so my dog doesn't go nuts as you drive by. How about your don't make it a state law to recycle every little item. Or how about your just send out a note that tells me which way you want my bins to face. Why yes, I would love to make your life easier and in two more pick ups you won't have to worry about little ole me any more. But please don't lecture me at 6:30 in the morning all because you had to get out of your truck. If we all got to complain about something not going right at work and take it out on someone, I think we would. Guess who's not getting a Christmas present this year???

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