Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to school, back to school....

I seriously think my life could revolve around Tommy Boy and Adam Sandler references. So if you don't get something I might have said, or I make a comment which might be taken the wrong way, it's more than likely from one of those two sources. But anyway, remember when you were younger and you just spent your summer vacation playing kick the can or swimming at the pool all day or just doing whatever it was that you needed to do before you headed back to school in the fall? Remember that feeling of excitement mixed with fear of what that first day of school was going to bring? Remember how you couldn't sleep for fear of missing your alarm, or maybe you were just too excited to sweep? I was all those things last night and this morning. For starters, I'm a ding dong and didn't really get myself adjusted to the Eastern time zone before this morning. I hadn't gotten used to going to bed by 11 pm so I spent as much time as possible reading as much of my book as I could. Thought I was going to actually finish the thing until I closed it around 11:30ish and told myself to try and fall asleep. That didn't work. Staring at the ceiling for 30 minutes didn't work, so I decided to push play on the rest of the terrible movie I was watching. Now, I love Brad Pitt just as much as the next girl, and maybe more so, but The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was really bad. I mean, one of those movies where when it ends you ask yourself if you seriously just spent that last 2.5 hours wasting your life on this. The only reasons I kept watching were 1.)Brad Pitt did keep getting better looking, until he was 19 and then it wasn't Thelma and Louise good looking, it was Madame Tousue's wax museum creepy looking. It was bizarre. and 2.)I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next. Which in most circumstances would call for a really good plot, but totally bombed when it came to this particular movie. I'm no Siskel or Ebert, for that matter, but I have been known to like a good movie every now and then. Hell, I'm even trying to get through the 100 greatest movies of the past 100 years and finally starting to like those. This was just pure garbage. I guess everyone has to pick a dud every once in a while. But I've been told that The Mexican was bad too. I'm just glad you have your looks to pick you back up Brad, but one cannot survive on Oceans movies alone. So, after the movie ended and I still wasn't tired, I tried to convince Scout to hop back on the bed so at least I might be able to pet her to sleep. She wasn't buying any of that so I turned on the light to try and find the pen that mysteriously disappeared upon my arrival into the shower. It's amazing the stuff you will do to make yourself go to sleep. After looking through both drawers again. Under the bed. And yes, even petting Scout's belly to see if there was any possible way she could have swallowed the thing whole, I gave up and turned off the light. A cousin once told me that one could never count backwards from 300 and try to fall asleep and make it to zero. I do that every now and then to see if it works. I get bored around 150 and give up b/c my brain takes over. Same thing happened last night/this morning. 165 don't forget you have to drop your dry cleaning off in the morning; 160 call the groomer, Scout needs a bath; 155 must email Laura about watching Scout this weekend; 150 why am I doing this still and where is that damn pen? At last check the clock struck 1:33 and the next thing I knew I was asleep. I don't know why I ever fear of sleeping through my clock when I have my own four legged one that pets me at 6:30 ever morning. No, literally, she does. If she's on the ground, she jumps up, curls right up next to me and puts her paw on whatever body part is closest. If she could talk, I'm convinced she would tell me that she's awake and ready to play now. It is cute, but this morning it felt like burning. Since I'm sure you were all dying to know, I did finally find that trick of a pen too. hemm...took it in the other room while I was bathing and starting tearing that thing apart. I found bits and pieces all over the living room floor. One mystery solved! I would call that a good day!

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