Monday, June 14, 2010

What I did on my day off, by Katherine Galanty

I couldn't quiet decide what I was going to do today. But upon laying in bed for almost 45 minutes trying to amp myself out of it, I chose taking a trip down to Big Sur. Both locals and tourists have been telling me the entire time that I need to take a drive down Hwy 1 to Big Sur. Thinking that I know I've already done this once I couldn't imagine what all the hype was about. I hop on the computer real quick to see if I can find an exact place to dine for the afternoon. Considering that most of the spots were described as "the most romantic place in the world" or "sexiest destination" I figured that doing my research was well worth the time. After a brief time and a few web pages, it's almost like this restaurant description jumped out and grabbed my attention. One of the most picturesque dining spots in California, this restaurant overlooks 50 miles of coastline. There is no romance there, I should be fine. So after returning my Friday and Sunday night movies back to Blockbuster and almost hyperventilating thinking that my ID and credit cards had been taken out of my purse, I counted to ten and hit the road. It's a quick 30 minute drive down the coast to the place they call Big Sur. And let me tell you. This thirty minutes is the most breath taking drive you will ever have. You have crashing blue ocean waves on your right hand side and rolling green and brown hills on your left. It's almost worth it to take a bus so you don't risk driving off the cliff into either sight. There are a number of stopping points where you can get out of your car and take it all in. Considering that I hadn't eaten all day, I took a rain check and continued driving. Telling myself that I can stop on the way back. Almost there I realize that my phone has wasted so much juice trying to find service that it is almost dead. Hoping that the restaurant is just around the corner, I turn the phone off and breathe a little easier. It's amazing how much we rely on our phones that when we turn them off for any other reason than being in an airplane, we sometimes panic. I, however, knew that someone knew where I was so if anything were to happen, I would be fine. I pull into the parking lot, instantly find a spot and knew this was the place. I walk about a mile up these really steep stairs to get to my final destination. When they say a room with a view, they aren't kidding. I'm not intentionally showing these pictures to make you all jealous, who aren't here, but I HAD to share this view of where I was eating lunch

So, obviously these were taken with my phone and not the best quality blown up, but you get the idea. And you can tell I didn't steal these from the internet b/c if you notice in the picture on the right there is the top of a bottle of wine in the corner and I just can create that :o) It was amazing. Way better than my expectations for the trip. So, with a glass of wine (yes, at lunch) a bowl of soup and a book, THIS is how I spent my day off. And you are all expecting me to come home and not miss this place?!?!?!?!? My days off at home are spent catching up on DVR or laying out at the pool. This totally puts that to shame!

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