Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Day of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Normally I would put something like this in all caps, but considering it's not my last day of work on the planet, I just figured I would stay with emphasizing the first letter of each word. Man, what a day yesterday. If I were to log the hours that I was actually in the office, it would probably be somewhere around 4 total. I had to drive to Duke for a lunch meeting where I visualized kicking the guys teeth in for being a complete a total waste of my time. I don't know if it was Ally McBeal or what show it was where they showed what the main character was wanting to do at that moment, but I totally visualize a ninja teeth kicking in moment. It was glorious. I mean, if I were to ever get fired from a job, I would want to make it worth my while. I would want to make it historical. I want people to be talking about the Legendary Katherine Galanty and what she did to get fired. But alas, I sat there and took it, like the everlasting professional that I am. Wouldn't want to tarnish my pristine reputation. Stop laughing ISPers.

Well, I started packing last night and let me tell you, it's not easy to pack for 20 days. The hardest part of this whole thing has been looking for the uniform to wear. Trying to find khaki pants and a white button down shirt in this town was like looking for a store to be open before 1 on a Sunday. And then after that mission was complete I had to go looking for some white cami's to go underneath, just to class it up a bit more. Even that mission turned into the search for the Holy Grail. These are staple items people. I'm not looking for a Hawaiian shirt in the middle of December, in Minnesota. It's a tank top. A simple white tank top. This story is just too good not to tell. So, I decide to take back the khaki pants I bought from Target since I found some longer ones at NYC & Co (yes Heather, I actually went into your store). I still had the receipt, shocker, so getting through the return line was no problem. With this $20 I decide we need to turn this into some cami's and knowing this is ALL I need at Target I figured I had some time to look around. So I head over to the women's section. Side note: remember when you were younger and thought that buying clothes at Target meant you were poor? If not, I'm a snob and pass by this section, but they have some really cute stuff there. If I thought getting off (forgive the pun) target at the mall was hard, shopping here was even tougher. Okay, so here I am in the women's section LOOKING FOR TANK TOPS KATHERINE when I spot what I thought would be a friendly Target worker. The names have been changed b/c this lady sucked at life so I figured I would throw a little insult her way.
ME: Excuse me, Flow?
FLOW: Yeah (note: she had a price gun in one hand and if she were outside, she would definitely have either a cigarette or bourbon/PBR/Budweiser in the other)
ME: Where can I find your cami's?
FLOW: (researching her rolodex of words in her head to come up with cami) Cami's? Oh, yeah those, they're over there. (IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no finger pointing or assisting me to where "over there" might be. She simply hovers her hand in a general direction of the rest of the department)
ME: Okay.....Thanks?
FLOW: Wait, you need a bra top in 'em or no?
ME: No
FLOW: Yeah, over there (again with the hover)
So I head in the direction that Lewis/Clark gave me and I spot a rack of black and nude tank tops. I'm like MOTHER F*&%ER. If I had been specific I think she still would have sent me over here so I guess it doesn't matter what color I need, she got it right. She might be smarter than a 5th grader. Anyway, so here I am with two options, but I'm thinking to myself, if I can't find a white tank top in this store, in the summer, I will boycott this place, so I continue my own exploration. Upon wandering into the Target designer area, I spot some more and this time they are white. YES! This has to be.....WTF! You have to be kidding me. The only sizes they have are L and XXL. And I know that Flow isn't going to want to go in the back and see if they have any other sizes. This isn't that kind of store. What you see is what you get. I spot another Target worker bee and can't figure out if this one is a guy or a girl, so I decide against asking Pat and head into the "intimates" department. Thinking that there might be a sleep shirt or something similar I can wear underneath. I'm looking everywhere and spot some cami bra tops. I had a bra in one hand and my phone in the other, about to text my cousin if this would be acceptable. I decided that if I couldn't find anything else, than I could go to the Target by my parents house and buy this. So, I walk around a little more. Now, I feel that I have this sad cloud above my head that is preventing this whole thing from being easy. I'm getting deep into the bowels of the Target intimates when I see the Hanes section. I figure, they sell panties in a box, and socks in a box, maybe they have some undershirts in a box too. Wow, that came out all Dr. Seussish. I'm in desperate search mode along the wall of intimates when all of a sudden, the cloud above my head turns into a glorious rainbow and right there between the bikini briefs and boy shorts are camis in all sizes and colors. And to top it off, they are cheaper than the other crap I was looking at before. I swear to God, if I had not found these, I was about to lay down on the ground and have the worlds biggest temper tantrum in the store. I would put those infants to shame with what I was about to do. But I left the store with $4 more in my pocket than I had when I came in and the only thing I bought was what I went in the store to get.

Total change of subject, but my brothers album was released yesterday. I know I had sent the link before, but check it out his website: If you like what you hear, buy the album please. I know he's worked really hard to get this done.

Okay, I for real need to finish some stuff around here before I head out of the office again.

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