Monday, June 7, 2010

New Kid on the Block

Man today was rough. Working in the hospitality business is not for the weak at heart, or feet. I arrived at work by 7:20 and was on my feet until 4:30 this evening. I'm extremely happy that I wore flats today, but that is going to be short lived for I only brought two pairs and I'm not one to wear shoes twice in one week. I know I'm crazy, but it's just my thing. If you spend as much money as I do on shoes, you would do the same thing. But I digress, it's totally not the point. The point is that I was walking around all day, after my first night in an extra long twin bed since 1997. I think I woke up about 7 times during the night. Of course, the first time I woke up and looked at the clock, it was only 10:30. Yeah, okay, I went to bed around the 9 pm hour, but so what? Don't judge me. Another time I woke up I had the worst pain in my groin muscle, so I'm kind of convinced I pulled that. Which is totally a mystery considering I haven't done a leg workout since Friday and if I was to pull it, I would have thought it would have happened kind of before Monday, but whatever. Then there was every time I woke up b/c the bed squeaked from me moving in it. I'm not entirely sure how we thought that shacking up in college was a good idea. I have barely enough room on this deluxe cot for myself, let alone another person. And when this person was 6'3 about 175 (forgive me Bryan if I completely misjudged that) I have no idea how we fit. Not that we did, dad, I'm just saying hypothetically. But anyway, as I mentioned yesterday, I don't miss this life, one bit. I mean the dorm rooms are nice enough, but not when you haven't lived in one for 12 years. You kind of forget why you were drunk most of the time. It might have been the only way you feel asleep. So there I was, 5 am, wondering if I should get up, attempt to workout, or wait an hour, sleep a little more and workout when I got home. For once the devil on my shoulder won out and I went back to sleep. I figured that my day yesterday deserved a few extra z's. Rolled into work just fine and learned everything over that I attempted to absorb yesterday. I even got to meet the President of Pebble Beach who actually got me this sweet gig. Word to the wise everyone, if you're trying to land a kick ass job at a world famous resort, totally kiss the big man's butt. For instance, send him some BBQ sauce and sweet tea from the place where he's from. You will totally stand out and pretty much ensure your future. Thanks for that Robert! I'll owe you a round of golf or something. And apparently eating or drinking while you're on duty is something that doesn't happen all the time, but I was shown around by the manager on duty, who kicks ass as well, by the way, and we were able to inhale a small portion of food. Which is kind of funny b/c I totally thought that what I was picking up was lasagna, when in fact it was an enchilada. I didn't spit it out or anything, but when you think what you're putting in your mouth is one thing and turns out to be from a totally different part of the world, it may cause an interesting reaction. I'm just saying. So all in all, the day was pretty successful. I did manage to get a work out in. I've met some pretty fun people who are going to show me around tomorrow and I'm going to head out to have dinner alone, again somewhere in this town. I've found if you order wine with your dinner, you don't look as alone :)

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