Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There is early and then there is EARLY

On the schedule for this morning I was to be into work at 5:30 am. This is not that big of a deal, however, although I was in bed by 9, I was not able to go to sleep. It's like one of those toss and turning things where all you think about is how much you need to go to sleep and how much you would enjoy going to sleep b/c you know how early 3:15 in the morning is going to come. But all you do is lay there, willing yourself to close your eyes and have them remained closed for the next 6 hours. I seemed to wake up ever hour at :32 past. It was like my body clock was working over time. I think I finally fell into deep sleep around 12:32 and was woken up at 3 am by my neighbor rolling home. Since I can hear them cackling outside right now, I should go out and thank him for the wake up call, but since my eyelids weigh about 400 pounds, I think I'll stick to the la-z-boy. So, I wake up no issue. Had been told all last week that I should be through the gate with an hour to spare. Unfortunately I was through the gate with an hour 15 to spare. The shuttle only took minutes and I was at work by 4:45 this morning. Needless to say, 10 hours later and about 5 miles on my feet I still got a little bit of crap for going home at 3 and am making myself stay awake for the next couple of hours b/c I have to make it to at least 7 before I crawl into bed. What I would really like to do is curl up in a ball, in my bed, and sleep until the morning, but knowing that I'll be up around 10 and not be able to go back asleep is keeping my eyelids stapled to my head. It's getting harder and harder though. I could put on a TV show, but I could really fall asleep if I'm not moving my body. I have all clothes ready to go for a run, and actually on my body, but I really can't get the darn thing off the couch right now. So, I'm downloading games to play so that I can keep my hands busy for the next couple of hours. Here's to hoping I can fall asleep by 9 tonight!

Jim Grey conversation=unfortunately 1
Tiger sighting=1
Baby daddy search results=0

Hasta manana

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