Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bloody stumps

Okay, I think my feet have finally had it. After running around for another 10 hours today my feet have finally said uncle. Walking to the shuttle stop, at 3pm, after my shift ended, I didn't think I was going make it.
Arrive work: 5:10 am.
Start running around: 5:11 am.
Set up coffee room, stock big bar, start to get hungry. Actually grab a piece of toast, first "meal" of the day: 7:30, after my first employee arrives so that I don't have to leave the room vacant. Set bar up, run inventory, realize I already have way too much staff for the day, 9:00 am. (More people are arriving today, so we're thinking we're going to be a little busier than normal. Not the case. It's so nice outside that people decide to use their good common sense and walk the course and follow the players instead of sitting indoors with us, drinking. I would however, at this very moment, kill someone for an ice cold bloody mary. As long as I didn't have to get up to get it.)
Lunch rush hits don't even realize the time: 1:30 pm. (Only supposed to be at work an hour longer)
Next shift of managers arrive: 2:00 pm (Still running around getting liquor and supplies for the room)
Arrival of Sully. You know the guy who landed the plane on the Hudson "just doing his job": 2:30. (end up staying a little while b/c this guy is a rock star and so humble about it. Yo, Sully, I called up for firewood today and didn't get fired, that was just doing my job. What did you do today?!?!?)
Was told to leave b/c I've been here for too long: 3:00 pm
Finally ate something for the day 3:01 pm
For a frame of reference I would like to think about what Jack Bauer would be able to accomplish in the same time period. Here are the things that we did similarly: Didn't eat, didn't loose cell service (b/c I can't bring mine in), didn't pee, didn't sleep, didn't stop moving.
Here are the differences: I wasn't even close to saving the world, getting near the President (unless the one at Pebble Beach counts), or making someone pay for their mistakes. I did yell at a guy for going down and picking up a few bottles of wine that I needed to order. And there was a part of me that wished I could have tortured him to the point of crying, but to actually do it would have been magical.
If I am able to pick myself up and bring myself to get to the other room, I might be able to accomplish one thing today, and that's not have my feet fall off. But until then, I'm going to once again remain on the la-z-boy until further notice.

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