Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Shake weight

Okay, so the funniest thing happened to me last night. I decided, after working out and blogging that I should go do a little more exploring in this fine town. I mean, I have absolutely nothing else to do. The internet is a little shotty and I have to strategically watch my Netflix, so I don't run out of things to watch on the trip home. So, while I had a little bit of internet service, I did a quick Google search on places to eat in downtown Monterey. I know that I wanted something remotely healthy and not something where I would engorge myself with food that would just make me feel uncomfortable. I found this American restaurant and Martini bar. Those of you who know me, know I love a good martini, and although I wasn't in the mood to drink if you can make a good martini, you have to make good food. I'm sure my logic is flawed somewhere, but it did not disappoint. Upon my arrival, I was greeted by an extremely handsome bartender. It could have been a line or something, but he reached over the bar to shake my hand and was like "you look really familiar". Please keep in mind that I did not shower after working out so I had jeans, flip flops, a long sleeve shirt on, my sports bra still on and my hair in a pony tail. I wasn't exactly bringing my A game to the table here. But hey, if you're digging it, who am I to stop you? And if you aren't, you sure do know how to make a girl feel good. Sweet cheeks helps me to order some ahi tuna and trys to convince me to have a drink. I stay strong and stick with water. Somehow he starts talking to me about running and working out and then we get on the topic of where I live. A friendly neighborhood patron was a few bar stools away from me and apparently knew SC and so he joined in on the conversation. It was really nice to have a pleasant conversation with two unassuming guys. Not to mention the fact that I know what I looked like when I left the house so it was either REALLY slow last night, or they were having a good time. Whatever, not questioning it. In any case, after a few hours of sitting around and chatting, we somehow got back onto the subject of working out. SC informs me that he has a bowflex at home, which in my head put him on one of those huge units without a shirt on. I'm sure whatever came out of his mouth after that was really intelligent, but I stopped listening for a few minutes. Once back to the task at hand, SC was now talking about the Shake Weight. Curious, I asked him if he was serious b/c I've never actually met someone that has bought into the hype.

SC: Yeah, I'm totally into fitness. I figured that my whole life is working out, so why not try it.

ME: So, you just stand there and hold these weights while they essentially vibrate back and forth in your hand?

SC: Not exactly. They don't vibrate, you have to shake them yourself.

ME: (Giggling) Wait, I don't get it. It's not a machine? You actually have to do something with it?

SC: I totally have it in my car with me. Do you want to see it?

ME: YES! Whatever the question was, yes. Did you just ask if you wanted me to come out to your car with you and make out? Yes, I totally will.

So, he grabs his keys and heads out to the car. Meanwhile, friendly patron Chuck can't seem to stop laughing. He can't believe how much I'm egging this guy on. Inside I'm dying b/c the mental picture I'm getting from anyone doing this "workout" is not a clean image at all. And then we're making fun of SC and how it was almost kind of creepy the way he asked if I wanted to see it. Like he was Buffalo Bill and trying to get me to help him carry his couch into the back of his kidnapper van all the while sizing me up to make a skin suit out of me. Chuck and I are basically crying we are laughing so hard. And while SC is out at the car, Chuck is trying to tell me about the Saturday Night Live skit that was done about this piece of equipment. The description he was giving was not nearly as amazing as this You Tube clip is....

Back in walks SC with basically a dumbbell that you literally have to jerk back and forth to make the weight shake. He hands it to me and tells me to try and move it. I'm like, no. No way, no how. By this time, every person in the bar is looking at me. And a new Jersey patron, who in a few years might be a Biggest Loser contestant is gawking at this dumbbell like a kid on Christmas. He, of course, missed the laughfest by a few minutes so I walked over and handed it to him and told him to go to town. He thought the thing was mechanic too. So he sat there with it in his hand, waiting on it to move on its own. When it didn't SC had to show him how to work it and in his fine Jerseyness he said "oh, like you're jerking off". So, the laughing ensued again. I couldn't help it. The guy was so innocent and it was so natural for him to say it. It was one of the most random funniest nights of my life. Chuck even gave me his card which is nice, so now I have a friend here.

Today was my day off and one of the managers had asked if I wanted to head around town to check it out. Since she's from this area, she took me down to a place called Carmel Valley. I'm not sure, but if the Garden of Eden was in America, I'm pretty sure it would be here. This place was amazing. It was sunny, it was green, and it was breathtaking. Katie took me to a few vineyards and then we ended up eating at a local one in town. If it didn't cost one of my kidneys and some bone marrow to live down there, you better believe I would have just stayed. Now I have something to work towards if I come out here for good.

After lunch, I was dropped off and thought that since it was still early enough, I might try and check out the local farmers market. In downtown Monterey, they close down one of the main streets every Tuesday and have this HUGE farmers market. Since most of our produce comes from out here anyway, I figured that it was worth a shot to see what all the fuss was about. Plus, I really need to stop eating out since every meal is costing me about $25 a pop. And I might go into shock by not eating healthy soon. I found a place to park and started walking. As I crossed the last street, I was welcomed by row upon row of tents that had nothing but fresh fruit and veggies underneath. I'm kind of a nerd about markets, just ask anyone in Winston and this was like a dream come true. I had to limit myself though. I'm only here for two more weeks and the apartment fridge is really really small. I already have my milk and wine in there, not much room for anything else. I find some salad parts, a sweet potato and some fruit and I was on my way. I felt like such a local. Like I was just doing my weekly shopping like anyone else. It actually shocked me how many people were out on the street at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. I think California is just like Spain. People only work some of the time and just leave when they want to. It might be siesta time for all I know. With veggies and fruit in hand, I head back to the car. Now I need to find a grocery store to get some essentials to cook with. I didn't really do a thorough run through of supplies in the apartment, but considering that I've known my fair share of bachelors in my day, I can only imagine what I need. As I'm about to do a search on my GPS, I look up in front of me and it's like a little angel tear. A Trader Joes is just yards ahead and it would have everything I need. The one thing I will complain about now is the parking situation at grocery stores in this area. Let's say you have about a million people trying to park in your parking lot. Wouldn't you build up? Wouldn't you not leave only 50 or so spots out front for people to use? If you want to see angry California, try to find parking at Trader Joes. They are all there. I'm in and out in minutes. I even grab some extra stuff that I might munch on. It is two weeks after all. I'm finally on my way "home" for the night. I figured you might want a picture of the view I have now. Not to make you jealous or anything......but kind of.

Yeah, that's the bay. I think it's been a really good day :)

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