Monday, April 25, 2011
Those of you who know me, know how organized and structured I like things to be. Although I like to convince myself that I'm somewhat spontaneous, a trip across the country for a limited amount of time cannot be left up to chance. So, it will come to no surprise to you readers that not only did I have a commercial realtor helping me find space for the daycare, but I also had a property realtor who was to help me find a rental space to live in. Well, in order to bring you to last weeks shananagins in LA, I have to go back to the week before at the beach house, which would be one week before I was to leave for LA. This is when I got the devastating email from my property realtor that said she was not going to work with me. And it didn't really have anything to do with something that I did, but something that someone said at my commercial Realtors location. Apparently this guy, who the property lady had actually recommended that I use, got this giant bug up his ass when I told him that I had found another guy IN HIS OFFICE NO LESS that I was starting to use. Normally I don't have a problem with the two heads are better than one scenario, but since they were working in the same office, for essentially the same company, I wanted to be open and honest about my current position. Well, this did not sit well with him and not only did he lecture me, but he went on to lecture my property realtor about pure nonsense. And not that blame her, but she then, instead of dealing with the monster head on, ran in the opposite direction. It was absolutely absurd. So, there I was a week before my trip, with the main objective to find a place to live, and no one to show me around. I'm not normally an ass kisser either, but I pulled out some of my best material to get this lady back. After a few emails back and forth and a few short conversations on the phone, we were back in business. I just had to keep my worlds separate, which I had no problem doing in the first place.
The main thing I learned upon my initial research into moving to California is that the places you look at and might be interested in one day, are probably not going to be around the next. So, in order to start looking, you should only plan your strategy the week of your search. Unfortunately this meant looking on Craigslist, and the local Long Beach paper, every day and contacting those places that I wanted to look at immediately to set up appointments for Thursday. Meanwhile, ole Christy (property realtor) ran a report of houses that were open in the area and only told me the day before I was leaving that I needed to call all of the houses that I wanted to look at and set up appointments with them between noon and two, because that's when she scheduled the time with me. It was at this exact moment when I started to wonder why in the world this woman was doing anything for me, or what exactly she was doing. So, armed with a three page report, I began my calling. In my fruitless efforts I only set up two meetings of the five houses I wanted to look at. Christy had said she would handle the rest, but to meet her at her work at noon that day. Okay, no problem. On my own, I had managed to track down five other places I wanted to see as well so it was going to be jammed packed day. Not to mention that I HAD to be out of the area by 4 pm at the latest or I was going to sit on the 405 for the rest of the night trying to get to my brothers place. So, Craig and I were up and at 'em around 9 am Thursday morning. Since he's live in California his entire life, he was extremely helpful with this day. He suggested that not only do we look at places that I've printed out, but it's also a good idea to drive up and down each of the streets to see if there were other places that we might be able to take a look at. For this trip, he was the brains of the operation. But our mission was dual purposed. You see, his property got transferred so he was moving to the area as well. Coincidence? You can decide for yourself. Well, we began our journey and were designated to each side of the street to look for signs. Up and down, up and down, up and down we went. From the ocean to Boardwalk and back again. Stopping every now and then to get out of the car and call a sign. We walked into places, looked around for a second and walked out. His heart was just not in it. We went to my first set appointment in a place that from the outside had great potential. The building was right on the water, there was secured parking underneath, and the grocery store was right next door. It was all looking wonderful until the guy showing us the place took us to the wrong side of the building. My view was of the grocery store and the local bums that were hanging out. Craig was not a fan of me living here and thought that I would be the one protecting Scout and not the other way around. So, out we went and headed to meet Christy. At this point I wasn't feeling defeated, only excited about what she might have in store for us. So we sit down, go over our game plan and out we go. The first place was AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. We walk into a huge open area with a sun room off to the side. A faux fireplace and Oh My Goodness what is this?!?!?!? A HUGE WALK-IN CLOSET!!!! This is unheard of in California! I felt similar to the way that I've been feeling at the car dealership's lately. Showing me the upscale version of the car before you tear me down to what I can actually afford. Only, I can afford this, but the sign out front says, ABSOLUTELY NO PETS. There are a few things I know in life, but absolutes are pretty clearly defined. Christy was a little thrown back, but Craig and I look at each other in that all knowing way and know this place might be too good to be true. So, Christy tells me that she's going to call the owner on the way to the next location and see if there is something we can work out. Sounds like my kind of plan. Second place, a little ways down the road, but on a main street. Now, I picked this from the pictures so I can't totally blame her here, but this will be the first, of many times I utter the words WTF and not shortened. We walk into signs that read STEP UP and STEP DOWN. Immediately I'm thinking, no. I mean, you walk in the front door and go left to "STEP DOWN" into a bedroom? or office? or law practice? Then "STEP UP" to the remainder of the house. Yeah, let's just move on, and so we did. The next house was set up by yours truly and I was REALLY excited about seeing it. It was so cute from the pictures, even cuter from the outside and when I walked in I thought, YES! This is it. I walked into the mecca of all kitchens and knew this was the one I would put an offer down on. But then good ole Christy says, "so you're okay with her dog here?" To which the lady replied, "oh no, we aren't allowing pets in here at all". WTF!!! So, for those of you keeping track at home, of the 5 places I picked to look at, and the 3 we've looked at so far, the two I like don't allow dogs. The FIRST requirement I ever gave this lady and she couldn't get this straight. I can only imagine what else she has in store. With my head held low we leave my dream house and follow her to our final destination of the day. With a quick, random, stop at Carl's Jr, where Craig and I are convinced she dropped a deuce because she never came out with a burger or a drink or anything, but was gone for a awfully long time. We literally drive for another 30 minutes to go look at this last house. Yet another one of my requirements was to stay in a particular area in which we are no where near. Now, I'm pissed, frustrated, and starving. Craig tells me to just tell her we're leaving and not interested in even looking in, but contrary to some people's opinion of me, I am a nice person, so I look inside. I know by walking in the front door I don't like this place. It gives off this creepy vibe and terrible old person smell. But, against everything telling me not too, I take a look in the backyard. Should have listened to my instinct. I know LA is a movie town, but this backyard should be in a scary movie. In the daytime I turned back around and headed back when I saw not one, but two rusting old ambulances. Really?!?!? Two? This is just weird. So, I head back inside, tell Christy it's definitely time to go when OUT OF NO WHERE the creepy lady who owns the place sneaks up on us. I seriously thought she came out of the wall, I never heard her come in. I backed out of the place and made a run for it to the car where Craig was waiting. He never even got out. Ohhhh Clyde to my Bonnie, you gotta love the person driving the getaway car. So, completely deflated, we head back 30 min to grab a quick bite before we see the final two houses that I set up appointments for. Those two were seriously anti-climatic so I'll move right to what you're waiting for anyway...
Sooooooooooooooooo, after about an hour and a half drive which should only take 45 min on a normal day, I pull up to my brothers house. Where I am greeted by my brother and his room mate holding a rope, containing a goat! Yes, that's right, I have the privilege and honor to meet Nibbler. And it was just how you all would think. Only, I've got to say, this goat is probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen. But, all it does is Bahhhhh. I see my nephew, Budah in the distance, just sitting in the driveway, looking miserable. Wondering when someone is going to come and save him from his misery. I felt this poor puppies pain. I walk in the front door only to see a pile of hay in the middle of the floor. Two things come to mind when you see hay on some one's floor? Am I staying in a barn, I sure hope they have enough blankets, and WTF! I mean, really? Hay? On the floor? I guess you have a goat and it prevents them from eating, say your couch, but keep the damn thing outside. Oh, that's right, you can't, because I'm fairly certain it's illegal to have a goat in LA. So, we walk into Phillip's bedroom where I have to get back onto the computer to extend my housing search. As I'm sitting at the desk, Nibbler jets into the room, grabs the first wad of paper that she sees and jets right back at. By the seconds that it takes my brother to get out of his bed and chase the goat to see what she's eaten, it's already gone and all she's doing is Bahhing at him. I know how irritating it is to him, but all I can do is laugh. It's just one of those sounds that you don't hear every day and it really sounds like she's talking back at him. It's hilarious. I'm really mad at myself for not taking a video of it. But, because she blew it, we now have to close the door at all times. So, we go out, go to his show and come home. I have to blow past that part because I MUST get back to the goat and when we roll into the house at 1:30 in the morning. Just like a barking dog, we are greeted with a "friendly" bahhhhhhhhhh. Oh, and before I forget, it's not your normal run of the mill bahhh, no this one is with her head cocked and she's looking at you out of the corner of her eyes type of thing. It's almost evil. So, we head back to the bedroom armed with our food. She continues to bahhh and I have to head out to the kitchen to put my drink back. Brother's last words, careful where you step. Noted, but that's not what made me laugh. What made me laugh was that as I'm making my way into the kitchen, the bahhhh makes me look to find the goat, on top of the mantle. It was unreal. It was like she was trying to climb that mountain and just couldn't make it, so she settled for the mantle. Classic!!! An almost 30 year old man, who lives with a goat that climbs mantles. Needless to say, my brother and I had a sleep over, something we haven't done since we were kids, all because he didn't want to sleep with the goat. SO AMAZING!!!
And that was just day one....
Thursday, April 21, 2011
127 days...and counting
You know what? This is crazy!!! This isn't even that interesting and I've spent that last three hours trying to get something out while doing four other things. My California trip was way more exciting. I'll post about that one next.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Happy Anniversary
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Intimidator
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fashion Police
Monday, March 14, 2011
My big girl pants
Big drinking week this week. I'm sure to have plenty of stories of tomfoolery and highjinx later!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Story number one:
Let's call this girl Red for the sake of the story.
I'm assuming that you all know someone that you invite to do things and without fail this person, at the very last minute bails on you? Then they come up with some off the wall story that they think you are going to believe when really all you wanted to hear was that they weren't coming? Or sometimes they don't let you know that they aren't coming, they just don't show up. Well, this is Red. I used to be friends with Red in my pre-Winston Salem days. She's actually one of the people that was friends with the gigantic gay ass hole that I told you about. However, before I left, I had gotten so tired of dealing with her excuses, that I just stopped inviting her to things. In my opinion, it's just plain rude to never show up to things that your constantly invited too. I mean, it's one thing if you tell me no, but it's an entirely different situation if you say you're coming and don't. Well, upon moving back here, Red had sent Heather and I a note stating that she had changed her ways and that she really wanted to hang out with us again. I guess after four years she realized that neither of us were really interested in her story telling ability. She had claimed that she had changed her ways and really, really wanted to get together with us. So, after chatting a bit, Heather and I decided to give her another chance. Every person deserves that right. So, we let her know our plans for both next weekend and this upcoming weekend. We gave her down to the minute detail descriptions, even going so far as to send her the website link so that she would have an idea of what she was getting into. We sent her our cell phone numbers and told her to text or call us if there were any problems. The excuses started right in upon her response. Telling us she had a meeting for the breast cancer walk, but should be out of it in plenty of time to meet up with us. If she didn't, she would text us. Immediately I went ahead and bet Heather a million dollars that she wouldn't show up. Okay, so I said I was giving her a second chance, but really I knew better. Fool me once, and all. Well, the day of our girls night out arrived, which coincidentally was the day after our email exchange. We headed out to the bar and with no note from Red, assumed she was to show up. An hour into the evening and only two beers in, because that service was so awful, and no word. Not to worry, I thought, it is only 7 pm. It's kind of early to be worrying if someone is going to show up or not. Two hours into it and our dinner finally arrived as did our next round of beers. (Side note: I'm completely sympathetic towards the food and beverage industry as a whole, however, when your bar is not crowded and it takes you two hours to make a chicken sandwich, salad, and a quesadilla, and you actually forget the quesadilla, your service is terrible. You might want to find a new line of work.) Hmmm, 8 pm and still no Red. I look to Heather and I say, don't text her yet, she's got another hour to redeem herself. It was at 9 pm when I looked at Heather, shook my head and just went, well true to form she didn't show up. It was then that Heather had the genius idea to stop by Red's local watering hole to see if she not only decided to ditch us, but to then show up to another bar with her husband. We wouldn't actually put this past Red to do. So, after paying our bill in which the bartender forgot to take off the quesadilla we never actually ate, only tipping $4, we head out to the other bar. We are greeted by a wall of people who we claim are extremely young, but only later realize that we are the older ones in the room. As we do a lap before committing to our location, we realize that neither of them are here. It is now that I allow Heather the opportunity to call and text them letting them know we are close so that they have absolutely no reason why they can't come out. First phone call attempt, personal cell, straight to voicemail. Second phone call attempt, house phone, no voice mail. Third phone call attempt, work cell, no voicemail. Two texts sent, as of today, Wednesday March 9th, still no response. As we belly up to the bar, the remainder of our night is spent bashing Red and wondering why in the world we put ourselves through this again. It wasn't until Monday morning when I awoke and noticed an email from Red herself subject line, so.....i suck. What I wanted to say was, no argument from me. But instead I keep to the "if I don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" motto. Upon further reading of this email, it goes on to say that she didn't get home until 7:30, fell asleep at 8:30, had turned her ringer off during her meeting and it wasn't until Sunday night did she realize that she had a voicemail and two texts. On top of that, she proceeds to tell us that throughout the day there was this endless nagging on her of "something that she knew she had to do that day but couldn't, for the life of her remember what that something was". Let me explain how I know this is a lie. 1. On facebook, she decided to check in at the gym in the morning. The only way one can check in anywhere is through their phone. 2. Who doesn't have their phone on their person at all times and even though it doesn't make a sound or blink that annoying light in the corner, who doesn't check to make sure there isn't anything on their screen that they've missed? 3. What grown adult, who normally spends every Friday and Saturday night at the same bar goes to bed at 8:30 pm?!?!?!? She has no kids. 4. We emailed with her FRIDAY AFTERNOON for the Saturday night activity. You mean to tell me that you forgot something within 24 hour of it supposed to be happening? I might want to shift my emotion to concern if you can't remember something the very next day. That's almost troubling.
So, okay, yes, maybe I'm blowing this way out of proportion and some of you reading this that are friends of mine might be thinking to yourself, holy crap, very small window to screw up with this girl, but it's not true at all. I consider myself a very tolerant and caring person. However, when you continue to allow me to give you the opportunity to correct past behavior that you know is not okay and then you show me by doing the exact same thing that you've been doing the entire time, what else am I supposed to do? If a guy I were dating was displaying this type of behavior, what would you tell me to do with him? Hopefully kick his ass to the curb because he obviously don't have enough respect for me to treat me the way he would want to be treated or that I deserve to be treated. And I would want you to tell me this. So, as a friend, I hold you in the same regard. Obviously that really struck a nerve with me.
Story number two:
Okay this one, I probably will get in a little bit of trouble about, but I'd like to stop an epidemic which is sweeping our nation. I'm all on board the affordability that text messaging and emailing provides us. I get the fact that some people, instead of sending individual messages to people, prefer to send them out in mass style. And I might actually let you get away with it for a Happy Thanksgiving or Happy New Year or Merry Christmas. I'm not saying I like, it , but I'll let it slide in comparison. I am, however, going to draw the line if you're going to give such big news as a wedding announcement, birth of a child, or a pregnancy. I feel that if we're that good of friends maybe a little personalized note with it, or a phone call, or something other than reading it on facebook, blogosphere, mass email/text. I don't know, call me old fashion, but the reason that I went to TCU over going to UT was because I felt like I wanted to be a name, not just a number. And again, maybe I hold my friendships in too high a regard that I treat them way differently than some other people. And then again, maybe as I'm writing this I realize I should be taking some sort a of hint in that I'm not friends with these people the way I thought I was. Huh, well that one made me think a little bit.
So the moral of these stories, as usually I have them, if not for you all, then definitely for myself is that communication is a huge thing in this world and with all of the new ways to get stuff out there, sometimes getting back to the basics means more to someone than you might think.
Monday, February 28, 2011
What happens in Vegas....
And now onto more important things. So last week I mentioned that I was heading to Vegas for a job interview. And considering that I was so vague I'm imagining that your first thoughts were of a showgirl try out, stripper audition, or celebrity impersonator. So close on all of those assumptions, and part of me wishes that any of those were true. But, I'm happy to announce that I will not be changing the title of my blog because in radio is exactly where I'll be staying. I never thought I would utter those words again, but this new company is allowing me the opportunity to get back into the world that I have spent the majority of my adult life, while continue to live out the dream of opening my dog daycare. When I first got the call about the job, I really thought it was almost too good to be true. How could a company encourage me to do something with my extra time, even when they were paying me? I've always waited for the other shoe to drop when something was way too good too be true, but after much self convincing, I know this is exactly the opportunity I deserve. I can't tell you how many days I've sat behind a desk and wondered why I'm taking up a chair at all? When I do work, I work my ass off, but I've never really had a job that required my year 'round attention. Now I have the chance to do things on my own timeline and be happy at the same time. Of course I could write you all in a few months saying that my trepidation of taking this job was a reality and now I'm living in my car with my dog wondering just how long we both can go before I start to eat her. I don't think it will get to that point, but hey, anythings possible. So, I'm happy to report that after 6 months of funemployment I am gainfully employed and moving to a city near you. For the time being, I'm going to sit tight and make some money so that I'm able to move, but in the meantime I'm just going to have to make due with my room mates :o) I don't know if Scout will make it out alive, but I'll do just fine. I guess with her, moving home meant that her animal status moved up from dog to goat. I've heard of dogs eating some crazy things, but this particular animal has gotten into EVERYTHING. She's eaten everything from dad's glasses, to phone cords, an ENTIRE tin of cupcakes, a loaf of bread, pillows, paper towels, oven mitts, towels, wrappers, money (well to her credit, she's only eating half of the bills, but still. We try to check her poop for change, but sadly there is none to report) you name it, it's not safe in the house. Unless of course you are her actual food and that she's been picky enough not to eat. Today I get a call from Meg asking me if I had thrown away a container of vitamins because it was empty. The answer was no, but somehow she got into the drawer in my bathroom and took out the empty container, got bored with that, found the cookie wrappers that were hidden somewhere downstairs, got bored with that, started working on the pillows, got bored with them so went upstairs to have a nap. The amazing thing is that the gate was up to prevent her from even going downstairs. This kid is the best magician that money can't buy. It honestly amazes me how we haven't ended up in urgent care with her yet. I'm sure there are things that we haven't even seen her eat that she's gotten into. For a few days, Meg was missing her Netflix DVD and I thought, oh God, here we go again, but we found that in an unexpected place. (that's not unusual for the Galanty house though) I mean, my brother lives with an honest to goodness goat, and I wonder how different the two of them actually are. I mean besides the fact that it's not weird to own a dog. Last night my dad came home and probably said the funniest line of 2011. Meg had asked about my brother and how things were going in the new place and he says "Well, first of all, the goat is now living in the house". I thought I was going to pee my pants. If this were a euphemism for anything it might not be so funny, but in the literal sense, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. I mean, for starters, did you really think if you were going to move in with someone who got a goat, that that animal wouldn't somehow make it into the house? I mean, what kind of crazy nut job wakes up and thinks to themselves that their life is incomplete somehow, but if only they had a goat they would be fulfilled? And then, what type of person also says, the person that I'm going to live with decided one day to get a goat. This is awesome. The goat is so cute. To me, I can't honestly say who is worse? The dirty hippie for getting the goat, or my brother for thinking it was going to be okay. But then, it keeps getting funnier, or to me at least. I literally just got off the phone with my brother who says, "I leave the house for 2 minutes and by the time I get back, there is goat shit on my bed". I honestly tried not to laugh directly into the phone, but did you honestly expect a different result? THE LADY HAS A GOAT!!!! I sometimes wonder how he and I are related.
I think that just about wraps up the latest in the dramady that can sometimes be my life. I hope I have kept you entertained, line by line.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Weather What?!?!?!?
Considering that I don't have anything earth shattering to report, allow me a few moments to catch you up on the latest in this girls life.....
DOG DAY CARE: Had a great idea for a name, The Scooby Shack, which immediately got squashed because an IP lawyer just knew I would get sued by Hannah Barbarra. However, my confusion lies not in the fact that I would get sued, because God knows I don't want too, but in the fact that upon Googling the name, I come up with at least three other businesses with the same name. If those names aren't trademarked, how will I be the one being sued? One friend of mine suggests that I literally call HB to find out if I could use the name, which I'm toying with because I REALLY like the name. Other than that, I have decided to move the business to Long Beach due to the massive amounts of dogs and people in the area. I've done the math and shockingly the cost of doing business in Long Beach, CA vs. Southlake, TX is very similar. I thought I was going to lose my shirt, but it looks like everything is coming together.
COOKING: I'm so excited to report that I started cooking from my Rachel Ray cookbook again. I'm also proud to say that the two recipes that I made in a week; Florentine Meatballs and Fajita Burgers were both amazing. I'm still toying with the idea of taking the Julie and Julia blog concept of talking about each of the recipes I make from her, but I honestly don't want to challenge my good friend Rachel. Stayed tuned for next weeks Paella burgers. I have no idea how they will come out, but I love Paella and I love burgers, so I feel like it can't fail.
WEIGHT: I'm going to call complete BS on the whole P90x concept. Although it's been 6 months from me leaving North Carolina, I have lost a total of 12 pounds, on my own! I work out when I want to. Basically eat what I want to, in moderation, and don't have some alien life form, also known as Tony Horton, screaming at me to keep it up. I will admit that I was a sucker for the system and if it worked for you, than congratulations, I just don't want someone telling me I have to workout every day and eating only specific foods that will cost me way more at the grocery store. Wow, what a great life coach I would be :o) Don't listen to those other guys kids, just do what I say and you'll get the results you want :o)
VEGAS: I will only mention this briefly. Yes, I will be going to Vegas on an over-night trip on Thursday. This is to attend a job interview/company retreat with a new company who is courting me. I will talk more about this later, but I do believe there are some people who deserve the respect to hear this news from me directly instead of reading it on a blog that "somehow" made it to their attention. Not that I haven't learned first hand how my blog could be taken out of context and come back to bite me in the ass or anything....but I digress.
THE BACHELOR: Okay yes, I am watching this season again, and ONLY because the hottest contestant that has ever graced the screen of my television has made a repeat performance. The girls have done anything but disappoint me on this journey either. I know how invested I am in a show when I'm yelling at the screen every time that Brad didn't vote Michelle off. Even though the ending of last weeks show was ruined for me, I continued to see the sweet justice prevail. A question was asked of me if I would ever want to be on that show and the short answer is no. I would NEVER ever, EVER want to date the same guy as 20 other women. At least with me knowing about it. I have a hard enough time when someone doesn't answer their texts right away and I immediately jump to the conclusion that he's on some sort of date. Could you imagine my crazy ass on that show knowing that my subject of desire is off gallivanting with some other slut doing God knows what, while I sit at our Whoretel with the other rejects of the night. Yeah, I just don't think it would work out for me.
So, wish me luck on Thursday, even though I know I won't really need it. I hope to at least have some crazy stories from that trip for you guys....Man, my life is a little boring lately. I need to spice it up a bit.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Raise your hands if you actually believed that story? That over thinker, do-gooder me, would actually get arrested for doing something as stupid as trying to knock over an ATM? I've seen Barber Shop, and Barber Shop 2, which in and of itself is a crime, but those two idiots couldn't make it happen, and that's a movie. Usually everything works out in the movies. No, if I'm going to get arrested, it's going to be for something far more calculated than that. I'm a go big or go home kind of girl. If I'm getting caught, it's on purpose. To become legendary. I only made this story up to potentially have something entertaining in this blog, in the event that I disappoint you with the truth. The reason I went MIA is because I'd just been back in California for the past 10 days. Just living the life at Pebble Beach. Soaking up the 70 degree weather while my friends back here on the East Coast were dealing with snow and cold. If it's any consolation, I wasn't outside very much. If the shoe was on the other foot, I wouldn't care, but 70 degree weather in February...I'll take it. I'd love to say that the most interested thing happened to me at Pebble, but it didn't. This tournament was MUCH slower than The Open, but actually had celebrities. I will now take this moment to focus on what a pain in the ass celebrities really are.
1. They walk around pretending that they don't want attention from everyone around them, but the second they are around, it's pure chaos. My recommendation, celebrities, order room service if you really don't want people to fawn over you.
2. They immediately think that every one around them knows who they are. Considering my Bible is People magazine, of course I'm going to know who most of these clowns are, but please don't assume that just because you are a singer, that you are going to be immediately recognized by everyone around you.
3. Not only does the camera add 10 pounds, it adds 10 inches. All these people are short. I mean, even with flats on, I'm staring at the top of Kevin Costner's head. Oh, and Padma, eat a sandwich. I thought that if I sneezed you were going to blow down the stairs. You work on a cooking show for Christ sake. Don't you think you should actually eat what they are cooking?
4. George Lopez....stop asking my cocktail servers to break up with their boyfriends. They only have one kidney as it is and they aren't going to give it to you....ohhhhh burn.
To be honest, the only celebrity I have anything nice to say about is Clay Walker. Although my friends at Pebble would disagree with me. He was so humble when he walked in with his adorable little family. The hostess had no idea who he was and he actually runs a charity tournament there once a year. Of course I spoke to him like we were old friends. Got him a table right away, and not because he's Clay Walker, but because he had two little kids, under the age of 3 with him and if there is anything that I know, it's that if you are coming to a restaurant to eat with a child, let alone two, you are ready to eat now. You have no time to dilly dally. Of course it didn't hurt how well he has aged because he's still cute as a button.
All in all, it was an okay 10 days away. I really missed my dog and wanted to get home sooner than normal. I know for 10 days away I don't really have much to say, but if Dad knew I was blogging instead of doing his to-do list for him, I'd be in some trouble :o)
Hope to talk with you guys again before the weeks out!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Three and counting
COLLEGE: Immediately upon entering a new state, a new school, and a new way of life, I was overwhelmed by everything going on around me. For 18 years, I had been a rule follower, a goody too shoes, if you will. I know it might be hard for some of you to believe, but it was true. Before the me I am today, I was an honor roll/AP student, president of my church youth group, captain of the softball team, editor of the school literary magazine, etc. etc. etc. I pretty much had my choice of whatever school I wanted to. I, however, WANTED to go to school in Texas. And in going away to school, the Polly Perfect persona that I had built in High School was about to change. I wanted to become the person I always wanted to be, not the person my mother wanted me to be. My first role of defiance, going to school in Texas. I don't think pissed would have accurately described her feelings towards my first independent decision. To give you an idea, we still haven't spoken in 14 years, but that's her problem, I digress. The first couple of weeks, inching into months was hard. I didn't realize how home sick I would be, but the one great thing that college does is gives you your own little social network in the dorms that you might not have otherwise found on your own. My dorm assignment was apparently in the "cool kids" girls dorm on campus. I was in heaven. Here I was this tall gangly kid, a long way from home, never really partied a day in her life, having every type of party imaginable at her finger tips. As we girls often do, our "wing" of the dorm sectioned off and became social butterflies roaming around from party to party. As the weeks drug on, we slowly started to form an alliance towards a particular off campus fraternity that threw some of the greatest parties around. These weren't exactly the best looking guys on campus, and if there is one thing I can say about TCU as a whole, we have some pretty people around. The more we became a staple at these parties, the more we got to know the frequenters of these events as well. One group of guys, in particular, I became immediate friends with. Apparently, these 5 gentlemen were not only Sophomores, but they were also suite mates. It was like a one stop shop for hang out time. As I started to spend more time with these guys, a natural closeness started to form with one of the guys in particular. He was amazing. He was funny and charming and had the most contagious laugh on the planet. To watch him smile would light up a room. He just had that presence about him. And of all the male suitors in which I have kissed in my day, I would put him at the top of the list. He was just everything that a girl could want. He always complimented me when I walked in the room and made me feel like I was the most beautiful person around. When you were with him, you thought you were alone. Have I accurately described this person? I was one smitten kitten. We were invited to formals and mixers and all sorts of events, we weren't even affiliated with a fraternity or sorority. We were just that fun to be around. Okay, okay, looking back yeah, there were probably all sorts of red flags, or magenta flags, in his case, but what is a girl to do? When you're in it, do you really want to hear what you don't want to hear? To this day, even though it took many years to become facebook friends, he still hasn't told me himself that he's gay. But, let's be honest, he is. I mean, if the three seconds that I almost fell out of my chair when he popped up in the movie Whip It didn't hammer the nail in that coffin, nothing would. Okay, maybe his facebook pictures....of him wearing yellow pants and bow tie....or a bandanna...on his neck.....and nothing but guys.....half naked.........At the very least, he's given me something to look at. God bless you my little friend, God bless you.
CROFTON: Okay, this one, I've got to be honest is a tough one for me to write about. If I'm completely honest with you guys, which I feel you do deserve, I'm still pretty pissed about this one. To tell you the truth, there is no possible scenario in which I would be okay running into this person again and don't completely wish him well. Breath, okay, now that that's off my chest our story can begin. So douche lord and I met when my best friend and her husband were living in a townhouse right next to him. Apparently, we had been travelling in the same social circles, but had never met. Each one had been told of the others existence, and how much we would get along. There was so much build up, I could hardly wait to meet this magnificent creature. And boy were they right! We were like peas and carrots. From the second we met we were hardly ever apart. I can even remember the first time that he and I went out without anyone else. It was the night before I was heading out to Texas for a fun little trip with Laura and Bo. As a matter of fact, I believe it was Hurricane Katrina weekend. Wow, talk about a sign that two people shouldn't be together. Hey God, next time you want to tell me not to be with someone, you might want that person to get hit by a bus. It might make it clearer to me. So, there we were, drinking EXTREMELY heavily at a very shi shi restaurant in downtown. Getting to know each other a little bit each sip. I don't know when it became okay, but at some point we both walked to the bathroom and just stood in the hallway making out. I couldn't tell you how long it was because I was seriously hammered off fruity martini's. Side note, if I ever mention the words I was drinking martini's chances are good I've gotten pretty off my rocker. So, there is was, the start of one of the most fun relationships I ever had. This boy was a spoiler too. I mean, we ate steak all the time, whenever we went out to dinner, it was to only the best restaurants around, and he owned his own townhouse, in a DC suburb. That's something. I can hardly remember a day or night that went by where we weren't together. Then came the amazing night where we went out with a married couple that we absolutely adored and she and he were talking about how much he cared about me and went as far as to mention marriage. I wasn't sure how serious this was, but apparently things were moving very quickly. That night, he told me that he loved me for the first time. It was awesome. We decided around that time, that we needed to get away, just the two of us. So, we took some time off work and headed down to my parents beach house for a long weekend. As I'm driving (yes this is important to note) DL thought it was the opportune moment to be completely honest with me. You see, all during our courtship there had been rumors and speculations flying around that he and his former room mate had had a fling. I had my suspicions, but I'm always open minded unless someone tells me themselves. He, of course, chose a dark, two lane road, in the middle of night, at the BEGINNING of our trip to tell me the truth. You see, he and his little buddy had "experimented" but it meant nothing. He loved me, it was the Christian thing to do. Of course, I had an influx of questions, beginning with, so are you gay? Do you prefer men? You see, ole DL was in the midst of a religious crisis. He loved church and went every week. I believe that he was praying so hard to have God not make him have these thoughts. I believe he went as far as to know that it wasn't a "Christian" thing to do, so he didn't allow himself to be the person he was meant to be. I heard him out, but things were never the same. Slowly, we started distancing apart. He would have "late night" meetings with these strange guys, only to find out later that he was just trying to "get it out of his system". I had no problem supporting him, if he was gay, I just wanted him to be honest. During our last meal together, he and I sat down and he told me that he wanted to tell me something. I thought to myself, this is it! THIS IS IT! I'm going to be the one person in the world that he can tell that he's gay to. Only the words that came out weren't that. He proceeded to tell me that he's had some life changes going on with him and he needs a little time to figure everything out, but as soon as he was ready to talk about it, that I would be the first person he would call. Now, how could someone be mad at that? Oh, just wait. So, it wasn't 24 hours later, that my grandfather passed away. I was beside myself with grief and planing and helping my grandmother get everything ready. As my cousins and I were shopping for funeral attire, my phone rings. You know those moments in your life where you know exactly where you were, what you were doing and what you had in your hands? This was one of them. It was my best friend. Her first question, are you sitting down? Since my answer was no and I really wasn't in the mood for any type of games, I walked outside to let her continue. She proceeded to tell me that DL had flown to Texas, overnight, and proposed to his ex girlfriend and she said yes. I still, to this day, cannot believe that even happened. Words cannot describe the emotions I was feeling right then. BUT if I were to have to describe what I was feeling, mothers, cover your children's ears, it would be so fucking pissed I want to punch something. I've never really cut my bestie off and never really wanted too, but I couldn't get a grip on everything she had just told me, so I had to hang up. My gay ex-boyfriend had flown to Texas to propose to his ex-girlfriend, who on multiple occasion he described as looking like the little creature for Lord of the Rings that actually keeps the ring. What do you do?!?!? Oh, I tell you what I did. I called that piece of shit excuse for a human being and I told his voicemail that I hope he dies alone by slipping and falling in a pool of AIDS. That is verbatim too. I was so pissed and honestly even writing this makes me a little angry at that ass hat. Do you know that in the past 5 years, that ahole had the nerve to have a child too! What sort of selfish prick does such a thing?!?!?!? Ugh, he makes me want to punch something. A few years ago, I was at lunch with a friend of mine, over by where he works and as we were leaving lunch, I saw him approaching. My immediate thought was to push him into oncoming traffic, but instead I ran right back inside to avoid any sort of confrontation. That piece of garbage doesn't deserve the air I breathe or the time spent talking to, even if I do look good....
2011: All things come in threes right? Well, I hope so because I really want this to be the last surprise. So here we are, almost a full month into the new decade. I can't honestly say that this one is a total shock. I somehow saw this one coming, and really didn't think it would take this long to come out. But, ever since I've been home, one of the common people that I've been hanging out with is a guy I dated YEARS ago. Now nothing has gone on between the two of us since I've been home, but to the common man, one would think that we were dating again, only we're not. Okay, yes, I was the person involved in the dissolving of his engagement many moons ago, but it takes two for a relationship to not work. Turn those judging eyes off. We've gone to movies and dinner and happy hours and the white house. It's been fun. But, I honestly never looked into it being anything more than us just having a really good time. Well, apparently, he's been holding on to this big secret for so long that he just couldn't keep it in any longer, so, over FACEBOOK, he decides to start a little chat. I mean honestly, who tells something so big to someone that means anything to them, over facebook. I mean, I knew it was coming, but bless his little heart that he didn't know what to say. But, he just wanted me to know that he was into both girls and boys.......I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take a stand here, any boy that likes boy parts, doesn't like girls. I almost feel like we're the gateway drug to what you're really trying to get. Boys are not bi, they are in transition and it just might make them feel better to say it that way. Maybe it sounds less gay. Not to me, but maybe to them....okay, so here I am, sitting in front of my computer, armed with knowledge I already kind of knew, talking, no facebook chatting with someone who is probably terrified on the other end of the computer. So, I did what any person SHOULD do with a person that comes out. You say "so what", because honestly at the end of the day, they are still that person that you love, now they are just allowed to be honest about themselves. I would be surprised if I didn't love them more.
So this is how my brain has been working today. I wish nothing but the best for 2 out of the 3 boys in my past. The other one I would just as rather him fade away. I will say this on record though, if Craig and/or Bryan come out in my lifetime, I will hang up dating for the rest of my life and become a nun.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
MY CAR: I somehow think I'm just a glutton for punishment because instead of letting the whole thing go and just waiting until I figure out where I'm going to live for the rest of my life, I went into the Jeep dealership on Friday night. I believe what my actions are called is insane. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. I really thought that going to a different dealership that sold cheaper priced cars would give me a better shot. Little did I take into account that the last time I went car shopping was 2010 and now it's 2011. That makes my car one year older and according to the dealership, worth $3,000 less than it was a month ago. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears. One months time, which is apparently scaled in dog years decreases the value of things. It took everything I had not to throw something at these people. Not only does Kelley Blue Book still value my car at $19,000 in excellent condition, which it is, but these guys are throwing out numbers in the $14,000 range. I know I don't know much about cars, but I do know this isn't right. So, after that life lesson and being hit over the head AGAIN, I've decided to scrap the whole getting a new car thing and stick with the one I love. Worse case scenario, I drive it out to California, where they appreciate the kind of car I drive and get something new out there. I'm sure I'm going to get more bang for my buck in a place that has a lot of sunshine.
MY BUSINESS: After my meeting with the local SBA, I had been given some homework to essentially re-do my entire business plan to show investors and not bankers. You know, since I don't have any collateral. And for three weeks, I've really been trying. But to change something you had been working on for 3 months in three weeks to "dumb it down" is next to impossible. I poured my blood sweat and tears into this thing and even though my grammar isn't perfect, it's exactly what I want to show. The people that I want to approach will know me anyway and know what I'm trying to do. But, then this morning I woke up with what I thought might be the greatest idea of all time. Bear with me on this. At the day care that I currently work at we house foster dogs that don't have a home they can go to. My thought is, why not create a daycare/boarding facility for those dogs? We could have a trainer on site to help with them each day. I feel that most dogs that aren't adopted aren't because they don't have the proper training, but my facility would take care of that. We would keep no more than 25 dogs at a time and rotate them as they are adopted. We can host adoption days and now take those animals that are currently in shelters, essentially on borrowed time anyway and give them a shot. We could partner with a local vet clinic and make sure that all these animals are kept up to date with all vaccinations and neutering obligations. Now, I understand that what I'm trying to create would be a non-profit organization. But, when it comes right down to it, if someone doesn't take care of the animals, where will they go? I feel very strongly that this could work. I just need someone else to believe in this as well.
DIET: We all know how hard I was working on P90x right? Well, ever since moving home, I've lost 10 pounds from just eating better and working out. I feel great! I don't know if less stress has anything to do with it, or not being around food all the time, but it's been awesome! I have 5 more pounds to go before I hit my goal weight, but to be honest, if I don't get to it, I think I'll be okay. Just changing my eating habits and feeling better about everything is payoff enough.
Well, I think that about sums up my week. With Pebble Beach right around the corner, I'm sure to have some better stories soon.
Yours in blogging
Monday, January 17, 2011
Parking Wars
So, now that the good is out of the way, let's focus on the rest of the weekend, because let me be honest, this Pebble Beach information came early evening on Friday. Ahhh Saturday, a day that will go down in the record books. It all seemed normal when I woke up. I was excited that the only thing I really had going on was that I had to work from 2-6. I mean, anyone can do anything for four hours, right? And even that was going smoothly. The dogs were behaving, there weren't too many terrible dogs, so it seemed like this was an easy night for me. As five o'clock rolled around, my "manager" told me to start crating up my dogs for the night. Let me go on record by saying that technically we aren't supposed to leave work until 8 to allow the dogs extra time to play before they go in their crates, so five o'clock is EXTREMELY early for dogs to go down for the night. Especially if they aren't supposed to be out of their crates in the morning until 8:30. That's a really long time for a dog to stay in a crate and I hate when this guy asks me to put these dogs up so early. But, I'm a doer so I did. But then I realized that he was just crating these smaller dogs so that he could bring the bigger ones in. Which made absolutely no sense, nor was it fair to the dogs to allow them to have to sit in a crate while watching the other dogs play. So I spoke up and said, you know what Chris, just leave them out, I'll watch them all play. It's only fair. Well, only one dog was left in the crate because Chris was trying to fix a screw that had fallen off. Now, please keep in mind that the dog in the crate was an adoption dog, not trained, and not fixed. So all you animal lovers out there know that this dog was a wee bit hyper. Can't help it, doesn't know any different. So, as a hyper dog, he started jumping. He wanted so much attention, he couldn't even stand it, when out of the blue, Chris had had enough and smack the dog on the head so hard it yelped. I was standing there in shock. I had to immediately grab my dog and walk away from the situation. This is NOT the type of place that I want to work, nor would I EVER recommend that anyone I know send their dogs to this establishment. How dare you put a hand on another persons animal! How dare you touch something that is so helpless and so excited to be around people that he has to jump to get close to you! Clearly I am still very upset with this whole thing. And to make matters worse, he showed no remorse. He actually said to me, "guess he won't be jumping up anymore" and laughed. I simply said, yeah, because you beat the shit out of him, and walked away. The very next morning I ended up calling the owner because my intention was to quit, but before doing that I had to let the owner know what was going on in his establishment. I've met this guy a total of one time in three months and that was for five minutes. If this were my place, I would want someone to tell me what one of my "managers" was going. Our conversation ended up being 45 minutes and within it he offered me a manager role. I said I would have to think about it, and I will. So, we'll see what happens tomorrow when I show up to work and see if this guy is still there. If he is, I'm walking out and they can deal with the repercussions of it all. I'm at this job to be an advocate for animals, not to blame them for things they don't know better about.
And then we go from bad to worse... I was so excited to go out to dinner with a friend of mine. I hadn't seen her in such a long time and even longer since she went out by herself. We have a wonderful meal and decide to go have a nightcap to end our evening. We pull up to a bar and park at our neighborhood Rite Aid. There were no signs, that I could see telling us that we couldn't park there, so we did. Head into the bar for a few cocktails and around 11:30 head out into the.....HOLY SHIT WHERE IS MY CAR!?!?!?!???!?! You know that feeling when you've already had a bad day and you think to yourself, what else could possibly go wrong? Have your car towed! So, we call the number on the sign, which was apparently outside the parking lot, only to discover that the "nice" lady on the phone didn't have our cars on their lot. To make matters worse, apparently the lot where are cars were, didn't have a phone. So, essentially, we were screwed. With the lot address in our phone GPS, we try to hail down a cab. I'm going to go ahead and say that this cab driver was a God thing because we were passed by about 14 cabs before one actually stopped. Of course he didn't take credit cards, but he was willing to drive us around to try and find this place. My initial thought is why, wouldn't he, he's a cab driver. So, we follow the GPS to a location which happened to be in the middle of a river. No way, can't be correct. So we turn right and go down a very scary ally to a Hertz dealership where the security guy came out and told us he had no idea where we were trying to go. This is when I was starting to have to pee. I could probably only last a few more minutes before I might explode. So, we head up to the local gas station, because let's be honest, I'm not going to last much longer and if anyone is going to know the area, it would be someone that works at a gas station, right? Well, I was half right. Peeing was instant relief which bought us a few more hours of time. However, the attendant was a little less helpful. Not only was his English a little rusty, but his directions were even worse. He had no idea where we were trying to, so off we go to call the "sweet" little lady at A1 towing. Thankfully this time, she picks up. By now she has recognized Jenny's voice and is beginning to get irritated with us because clearly her directions have worked up to this point. She "politely" gives Jenny a different address because "if you're putting the address into the GPS, you have to put in this one". OMG, you have to be kidding me. Did you think we were walking there? However, low and behold, IT'S THE SAME DAMN SPOT WE'VE CIRCLED FOR THE LAST 45 MINUTES! It was as we were making our 4th turn past Big Ben and Parliament that our cab driver spots a tow truck with some cars on the bed. Being WAY more clear headed than Jenny and I put together, he decides to follow this maniac. This guy is weaving all over a parking lot and driving like a complete moron. I honestly can't believe that we're following him as bad as he's driving. He finally pulls over in front of an IHOP (well of course the poor soul has to eat), where he hops out of his truck, HIGH as a kite and we roll down the window to see if he knows where this place is. He is a tow truck driver so if anyone is going to know.....oh for the love of God, this bozo doesn't know either?!?!? WTF! Did someone just take my car? At this point it would have been easier to call the cops to report my car stolen than to continue through this mess. Although "helpful Hal" did point us in some direction, we're just not sure where it was. So, without much option, we followed where he told us to go. "You go down this one road here (main highway), than take this first left, I don't know the name of the street (major intersection), take your first right by the bus terminal, and take it all the way down where it ends on Balls street". Okay, now I know he's making shit up. There is no street in Crystal City named Balls street and to be honest, if I wanted to mess with people, I think that would be an extremely creative way of how to do it. I just wasn't in the mood. At this exact moment, I'm starting to get really pissed, really tired, and really worried that I'm going to have to take this cab home, wake my parents up to try to help me find my car. So, we head down following the directions. We still haven't stopped at an ATM to get cash and since we actually knew where we were, we decided now was as good a time as any. So, Jenny hops out of the car and the cab driver and I begin to have our heart to heart. He starts telling me how bad he feels for us. That last week he was robbed, at gun point, in his cab, then his cab was actually towed the same exact day. I felt that I was either drunk and hearing this story incorrectly, which I really don't believe I was, or this guy had the worst possible luck. But through all that he continues to tell me that it was a God thing. He believe that God was either saving him from something worse that could have happened to him that night, or building him up for something wonderful that is going to happen to him in the future. My mouth was literally agape when Jenny walked back into the cab. This wonderful human being had been driving the two of us around for the past hour listening to us bitch about our problems and he was held at gunpoint. Kudos my man. My problems are anything compared to that. So, we continue our journey, following the half ass directions we received from the tow truck driver, when we never came upon Balls St. Shocking, I know. So, we turn back around and head to the hotel where maybe we could find a desk clerk or another cab driver who might know where this place is. We pull up and find a guy sitting in his cab right outside the hotel. Another shock, HE has no idea where this place is. Now, our cab driver is calling the tow place. Luckily we get our "friend" on the phone again and in the nicest way, he starts asking for directions. Clearly, this lady has had a long night and not in the mood to deal with the language barrier she is coming across with him. So, he hands me the phone and I start talking. Although a majority of my life has been spent in customer service, I do not expect someone on the other end of the phone to EVER be rude to me at 1:30 in the morning, when I've been driving around for an hour and a half trying to find my car on the BS address you gave us. So, I simply asked for directions. In the middle of her giving me the address again, I simply said, please don't give me the address again. We've been driving around for half the night....when I was cut off "If you want directions, you need to shut up!" I was floored. Not even my own family speaks to me that way. The edge in which I was teetering on had been decided. I am now full on pissed at this C U iN Toledo. And I HATE that word, but in reality, it's the only one that fits for her. This grown-up just told me to shut up, when I'm trying to find my car. I'm sorry, YOU took this from me. YOU! And I've been driving around this city, in which I lived a majority of my life and have no idea where you are. Thankfully, she handed the phone over to someone that knew where we were and got us to the actual lot. The one lane, dark, deserted road in which this place was located was only missing fog and the scary music for it to be my complete nightmare location. There is NO way, on a double dog dare, that I would EVER go down this street by myself, at night. I know I can be dramatic, but there is a reason scary movies exist. So, our extremely kind, saint of a cab driver, drives us up to the lot, which was monitored by a Biggest Loser contestant in a very small shack, that I was convinced was an outhouse at one point. He waits for us to get our cars and never even turned the meter on. This guy was and is an amazing human being. Jenny still gave him $60, which will never be enough for what this man did for us.
The moral of the story is this kids: No matter how bad you think your day can get, if you haven't had a gun pulled on you, it's a pretty good day!
Friday, January 14, 2011
New Years Resolutions
Dear people who claim that they are going to lose weight and start working out starting the first of the year: i.e. fat people,
I gotta hand it to you, every year you think that you're going to make it past those first two weeks. And for those two weeks, you work really, really REALLY hard to get there. But let me go ahead and tell you how this ends for 90% of you. Jan. 1 you wake up refreshed, you think, no, I'm not going to have that diet soda that I normally inhale on my way into Biscuitville. Today, I'm going to have a nice glass of juice and a bowl of oatmeal. This is the year of the new me. Then, you rip the tags off your brand new workout clothes, and put on your "just out of the box" tennis shoes, and you head out the door, to the gym. And you, and your fellow resolutioners, take up ALL the parking spots at the gym. You also take up most of the equipment and the space in the classes. For the rest of us that attend the gym on a regular basis, these resolutions of yours are completely annoying. For starters, we have to completely change our routine based on the fact that for two weeks you are going to inconvenience our lives. Number 1, the fact that I now have to get to the gym 30 minutes before my scheduled class time, just to make sure I am either at the front of the line, or within enough time to have equipment at my disposal is rough. Number 2, you literally do take up every close parking space to the front door. When it's 32 degrees and my skinny ass has to haul it from the absolute end of the parking lot to the front door, it makes me not want to go. But as the door says, "Know that getting here is half the battle". Why not start your workout early, from the parking lot? Number 3, the gym I go to now is gigantic. I mean, if you take the size of a grocery store and gut it, expand it, and put gym equipment in it, that's my gym. It's huge. And the cardio equipment takes up 50% of it. That's a lot of cardio equipment. So, now you're telling me I have to wait in line to go on an elliptical for 30 minutes?!?!?! That's ridiculous! You know you're really just wasting the $40 a month that it takes to join this gym, right? You are literally only going to be here for a month, MAX. Let me be clear though, I am NOT speaking to the 10% of you out there that will succeed. I would love each and every one of you to keep at it, but I know you won't. Oh, you'll be back. Right around Spring Break time, or before bathing suit season. Thinking that if you workout hard for the next two weeks than the bathing suit, which you bought in a size smaller, will fit. And not only fit, you'll look good in it. Again, these little inconveniences in my life are a bit annoying. I'm sure I do things in your world that you wish I wouldn't. And if you point those out to me, I'll be happy to stop. But until then, if you wouldn't mind just calling a spade a spade and saving me and my fellow regular gym goers the hassle of you starting your New Years resolutions as losing weight, I would really appreciate it. Maybe start by shopping healthier. Maybe walk to the gym. Maybe I'll just start a gym, solely for the people that want to lose weight in January and April and call it New Beginnings. I'll rent out space for those two months and charge and ass load of money, which you'll pay and you can get out of this contract at the end of these months, hassle free. What's not to love about that? At least with my gym, you'll be surrounded by people just like you. The semi-motivated people that will stick with things for a month and get bored because they don't see results like the people on The Biggest Loser. I will say this in closing my letter. I wish you the best of luck with whatever the new year brings, but if you're giving up going to the gym because you're not loosing the weight as fast as you would like, think about how long it took you to gain that. That's some hard work and dedication you put into looking like that. If you put the same effort into getting in shape, the rewards will be out of this world.
I get that I'm not perfect, and I do realize that my, well you know, stinks, but honestly, for my entire life of going to the gym, this has been one of the biggest pet peves of my life. I bet the trainers and the sales staff just smell the fresh meat when they walk in the door. It honestly wouldn't bother me so much, if I didn't have to walk in the cold and the wind. When that blows right through you, forget it. I would rather hang out in my car or in the gym until the next day when it could be possibly warm.
Okay, I'm down off my soapbox now. Gotta find a silver lining around here somewhere. Going to start looking for it :o)
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Best Year Ever!
Yes, this IS the start of the parade and that IS the NBC tower. I couldn't believe it! Whatever was supposed to happen, happened with us first! I almost felt bad being so tired at that point because I felt I couldn't appreciate what was happening around me to the full extent. So, as float after float passed us and the Wisconsin float passed, we started to anticipate when our amazing TCU float would be making an appearance, when then...

It's honestly the little things in life that make the biggest difference. Yes, we had to walk the ENTIRE way back and retrace our entire trip. And yes, in total, I'm sure we walked over 6 miles, drank 14 beers and were up 21 hours. But honestly, I would do it all again the exact same if that last picture held true.
I'm really looking forward to 2011. So far it's been a hell of a year!