Friday, May 28, 2010
ex haunting
Thursday, May 27, 2010
IT'S REX MANNING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I know this whole blog was supposed to be dedicated to P90x and I also know that all week long I haven't done one single entry on it. It's not that I'm not working out, b/c I am. It is my recovery week though and I've taken it upon myself to mix it up a bit. I haven't woken up at 6 all week and have been very disciplined at working out after work. Today's activity, another 45 minutes on the elliptical. I'm just feeling really down about this whole thing. I just don't feel like I'm making any progress, at least anything noticeable. Maybe I need to rethink going back to the gym and get a trainer. I've mentioned this before, but it might be time. I miss workout buddies, I miss having someone to push me and make me go to the gym with them. Maybe after I figure out what the hell is going on after June 22nd, I can make a decision one way or the other. In the meantime, I'll keep eating out at Mario's and upping my time on the cardio machines in order to feel better about what I'm doing. Or I could take the cowards way out and get some lunchtime lipo. I will say, I do feel a little better after seeing some of those after pictures. It appears that some people want their after body to look like my before. I guess beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Beyond words

Now, onto what I wanted to talk about before I was so rudely interrupted this morning. Have any of you watched the Bachelor/Bachelorette? I used to watch it religiously. Found two blogs about it and loved to talk about it. A few seasons back I gave up. I couldn't believe I watched the whole season of the train wreck that was DeAAAANNA (long A). She made me mad at ABC and really disappointed in her for representing the single ladies. I mean, you honestly chose Jesse over Jason and you thought it was going to work out? Really?!?! Honey, I dated a guy who had kids and let me tell you from experience he's not just going to introduce them to anyone? So I gave up. I'd put all those years in from Trisha and Ryan to the Prince to Brad, I mean, I was loyal from the beginning and she ruined the entire show for me. I didn't even bother to go on to watch the whole controversial season where Jason was the Bachelor and made the wrong choice. Yeah, b/c no man in the history of earth has ever changed his mind. I gave it another go with Jillian b/c she seemed like a cool enough chick to get me back on the wagon, and in the end she chose my first choice (seriously Ed, if you get tired of her, call me). But the gamut of douche baggery that she met along the way was really unbelievable. So it got me thinking last night as I ended my hour of 24 and had a little while before I needed to head into the shower. I remembered that the new season of the Bachelorette was starting. Going against everything in my being that was telling me not to, I switched on ABC. I was morbidly curious as to what we were up against this year and in the 5 minutes that I could stomach, I wasn't disappointed. I saw an "entertainment wrestler" (I wasn't sure there were other ones) and a television weather man that actually blew the screen to make the wind move. I honestly can't make that up. As I'm watching, I'm thinking to myself, isn't TV supposed to be a break from reality? Shouldn't I get to watch a show like this and wonder how in the world she got that guy? And not think, wow, were they taping this show at any random bar that had way too many guys and a girl? If I wanted to watch douche bags on parade I could look back at some of the clowns that have graced my presence. I mean really ABC. Could you not maybe find some ridiculously good looking batch of guys that are probably gay and draw me back in? There is a reason that most of these guys are single. I mean look at Jake, the last Bachelor. Good looking guy who is looking for a wife. News flash a hole, you're an attractive pilot that lives in Dallas. Even a complete retard can land a wife there. These girls go to school to get their MRS degrees. (I think I was absent that year, or TCU stopped offering the class when I went) In any case, I'm begging you ABC, show us some hope in the single life. If I'm turning on the TV and see the same ole douche lords that are at my local watering hole, what hope are you giving us?
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Case of the Mondays
Off to enjoy my delicious banana.........
Friday, May 21, 2010
My deepest apologies
Don't ask me where this picture was taken, or how I was able to place the camera on self timer and get back up into that very sturdy warrior three pose, but I'm kind of big deal. Anywho, I got up to warrior three and I didn't wobble or fall over or anything. I was so proud, so I thought, why not try to keep going? No use stopping now. So I leave my beach rock and head back to the studio for the half moon pose:

Again, I'm not falling. I'm not looking like this, but I'm not falling. This is big, I mean HUGE. I've been doing this workout for how long now? And now I can make it to 46 minutes?!?! Well, then out of nowhere comes this painful burning sensation. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It was as if my ass cheek was on fire. And not the skin, but the actual muscle underneath. I don't think in my life my body has been in that position and then remained there for seconds of time. These seconds felt like a lifetime, until I finally just released. A feeling of pride mixed with pure discomfort was what was going through me. I'm guessing this is why Jennifer Anniston looks the way she does. If she's doing this nonsense more than once a week, she must have muscles on top of muscles. She's a good role model to have though. I mean, if I keep at this, I might actually be able to look like my yoga model counterparts :)
Big wine festival this weekend. The moment I have been preparing for, for what seems like eternity. It's time to jump off that wagon and play with the big dogs. For those of you who will be around me, I apologize, this could get ugly. I might not last that long considering I haven't really had a drop of alcohol in a month. Should be quiet entertaining. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Birthday Party!

Monday, May 17, 2010
Life Lessons
Pasta, baked and original
Ice cream
Then I stand on the scale. NO WEIGHT LOST. The good news is, no weight gained either, but come on! And thanks to the most wonderful compliment in the world from Erin, my shoulders and back do look like I've been working out. But I cut out alcohol for what? Just to replace it with the rest of the crap on this list. I had to throw Twizzlers at Robert and make him eat the last ones just b/c I didn't want them in my office anymore. My whole logic is, I need to get rid of it and I've already bought it, so why not eat it and then I won't be tempted anymore? When in reality I shouldn't buy it in the first place. I have two of those Warm Delight things in my pantry and have been there for over two months now, but all they do is taunt me. Every night I go to that pantry, I open the door and I pick up one of those two delicious temptations. I look at the back and think, well if I only eat half of it then I'll only eat 170 calories. But then reality steps in and I put that devil disguised as heaven down, close the door and sit back down on the couch. I won't just eat half of that thing. My half will be so distorted and I'll feel so bad that I actually ate it. So why not throw it away? Do you know women? Do you have women in your life? We MUST have chocolate somewhere in the house. When cravings hit, you MUST give in. But these aren't cravings every night. These are shouts from the depths of the pantry where it seems that my yummy treats are being held hostage and want me to come release them. But today, I won't! Today I am going to be tough. Today we're back on the wagon. Well, it actually started yesterday, but Today is the day we look that garbage in the eyes and say, NO. This week we will not go out to eat. This week we will not open that pantry door just to see. This week we're moving back in the right direction. Getting back on that horse and making more changes that we can see. This week, these baby steps are going to be giant leaps, but they'll get easier each time I shove that spinach leaf into my mouth, I'll think it's a chocolate covered strawberry. So, to those of you who read this in Winston Salem, don't think of asking me to lunch and if you see me walking in that direction, stop me, tackle me and ask me what I'm doing. Tell me to think of what I did that morning and is it worth it to just throw it away like that? But don't say it to me on Friday. Friday's don't count :)
Happy Monday y'all!
Friday, May 14, 2010
They're all going to laugh at you!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
There are good ideas......
I wish I had a p90x review for you all today. After a lengthy discussion last night about snooze alarms, I had the mother of all snoozes. Alarm went off at 6 and I was so comfy and sleepy in bed that just stayed there for another "hour". I literally turned into 2 of the 7 dwarfs in a matter of moments. Grumpy and Sleepy arrived around 7:15 when I finally put my feet on the floor. I had to do something to stop the barking. I'm working on becoming all 7 of the dwarfs today, however some of them would be a huge stretch in becoming. Perhaps I'll work on being a Smurf or Care Bear or My Little Pony instead. One of them has to be obtainable somehow. That might be easier. Wow, even talking about childhood cartoons is bringing me closer to Happy. So, now we've got three, this is going so well! If there is a grocery store smurf or errand running smurf, I'll be all over that in an hour! Oh yeah, the Smurfs totally have it made. check it out!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Last Dance :o(
But what ending to a vacation would not be complete without a little Tony Horton. I think everyone should have a little Tony in their lives. And as I did my workout from hell (Plyometrics) so many things shot through my head. How does this guy talk while he's instructing? I'm standing there with my hands on my knees, sucking wind and he's cracking jokes. No hint of tiredness until about three quarters of the way through he's breathing a little deep and throws the big guy into the mix. Actually dropping the Hey Zeus, correcting himself and then saying Jeepers. Tony, no one has said the word Jeepers since 1925, let alone a grown man getting me as close to death as humanly possibly. Say what we're all thinking. Say what you did the first, oh I don't know, 6 times that you did this. Say, holy shit! What in the world am I doing?!?!?! If I did this every day for 10 days, I would probably loose 100 pounds. Make me believe that you are real and not a robot. B/c I'm on day 37, have done this particular workout 5 times and it still isn't getting easier. I'm dripping with sweat, my head is covered and you're acting like it's a stroll through the park. Now, it does make me hold out hope that if this guy can do that and look the way he is, I still have MILES to go before this thing gets to where I need it. But lets get real Tony, say what you're thinking, b/c the rest of us that are doing the exercise have already said way worse to you out loud.
Monday, May 10, 2010
It's been a great relaxing weekend at the beach house which has crept into the week. Sadly I'll be leaving tomorrow, but since it's been a little chilly during the day, I don't mind so much. Plus, the puppies are starting to fight so it might be best that we are leaving soon. And I'm not talking little snaps here and there, I'm talking full on Old Yeller cock fights that are scaring everyone around them. It's like they both went rabid and are out for blood. But then the next minute they are fine and chasing each other around like nothing ever happened. I think in my next life I want to come back as a dog and learn to forget anything that has happened to me moments before.
Off to the hot tub to see if I can roll back time.
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Long and Winding Road
In a shout out to my girl Married Spice, Mel W (You see what I did there Melanie? I made you my very own Spice Girl.) here is the latest YouTube clip which is sweeping the nation! If you haven't seen the original video, I suggest you might want to YouTube that one first as you might not understand what's going on, much like I didn't. Creative, yes, but when you have no idea what's really going on, it just looks like a bunch of men dancing.
Yoga update! I think I'm actually catching onto this thing. After a month of struggle, I finally was able to swing my legs through to "Runners Stance" without having to pull that monster through. Who knew that you stayed in downward dog to do that move? This girl was trying to swing her leg the length of her entire body while staying in plank position. Lesson number one to those of you rookie Yogies, don't do this! It's about one million times easier for your body to be raised than not. What a ding dong. That all being said, I still can't make it past the 45 minute mark without thinking I'm going to fall down and break my neck. I made it through each one of the exercises up to that point without stopping so I'm going to go ahead and call that a win. Who knows? Maybe in a weeks time I'll have gained my balance back and have some new trick on how to balance on one foot while sliding my hand down my leg, on the floor, and shooting the other one into the sky. And then maybe in a weeks time I will have won the lottery, fallen in love, and been swept away to some island starting with St. This is how likely the Yoga trick will happen.
Back to mini vacation. See you suckas on the flip side.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Seis de Mayo
BT:Katherine, do you know what today is?
KG:What's that Big Tree (reference Big Tree Fall Hard in blog one or two)?
BT:It's Seis de Mayo....
KG:Yes, yes it is.
BT: No, that's the joke.
KG: No, that's the date
This is the kind of nonsense that goes on in this guys head. And he thought it was a joke. I can just picture this guy on one of those late night Spanish talk shows where everyone is laughing and joking and Big Tree has no idea what's going on or what's being said and only repeats the date in his native Spanglish speaking tongue. And then thinks that the reason everyone is laughing is b/c of what he said. When in actuality in both English and Spanish they are both befuddled at how ridiculous a grown man is for going around repeating the date in Spanish. He's just a big dumb animal folks.
So onto my good karma story. Last night I was early to my hair appointment and decided that I needed to swing by my local Harris Teeter to pick up some ingredients to make my fajitas last night. Walking past the impulse aisle, I notice that razor refills were still on sale. Knowing how much these things normally cost, I thought, this is a sign and I should really pick them up. I mean, they're $10! That's a steal. So I go to to the self checkout with my fajita mix, guac mix, and razor refills. $.99, $,99, $11.49. Oh, you there, young man....Please, kind sir, these razors are on sale. They rang up as $11.49 and they are supposed to be $9.39. He has to get on his microphone and call over the woman that is literally 10 feet away. She checks out the situation and I walk her over to where the razors are. Apparently they are no longer on sale, but the sign is still up. So, they take the razors off the total and I stand there waiting for the new price. Junior is telling me that I can pay now. But, the razors need to be put back on. Folks, let me let you in on a little secret! If a grocery store still has an item sale sign for an item that is no longer on sale and you find it, you get that item FREE OF CHARGE. I couldn't believe it. I walk out of the grocery store only paying $2 for all of my stuff. I kept waiting for someone to stop me on my way out. Like I stole something. And in a way, I kind of did. I've never been so happy over something so small. THIS is the magic of Cinco de Mayo! Which then continued on to today where Scout went to the bathroom all in one trip, I got through the doughnut line and to work on time. No, the doughnuts were not for me, but getting through the line and to work on time is honestly a miracle in and of itself. The only thing that could have worked better is if Scout sat still for her ear drops. Have you ever had one of those Wet Willy toys. You know, those little water snakes that you can't quiet grab b/c they keep slipping out of your hands? Well, imagine that toy wet. And then imagine that toy having four legs, fur, nails, and teeth. And then that toy has an ear infection and the only thing you have to do is put these ear drops in their ears twice a day. It sounds easy enough. And it should be b/c these things are supposed to be helping. But apparently I'm shooting knives out of this bottle and when it's shown there isn't an area in the house that is not covered by trying to escape there. I've tried putting her in between my legs and locking down, but I'm afraid she'll break her own neck trying to escape. I've tried pinning her down on the floor, but she wiggles away. I've tried tricking her when she's sleeping, and that's the worst one b/c it was like I was trying to kill her. Grabbing her collar is useless and sticking the thing in my pocket like a sneak attack doesn't work either. So, I now have to devote at least 10 minutes every morning to chasing her until she puts herself in a position that she can't escape. Good thing her attention span of pain is short so she loves me again before I leave the house.
Okay, okay, I tried going a week without talking about the dog, but when your morning ritual involves so much effort, I feel like I have to share. Plus there was no P90x this morning, what else was I going to share?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cince de Mayo
BTW, I took pictures this morning of the 30 day "change" and considering that I'm back near my starting weight, you can only imagine how much those pictures don't look much different than what I started with. It's a little bit of a bummer, which is why I might be leaning more towards drinking this evening. So, the bottom line is that you will not be seeing these pictures as I will not be showing the growing public what we're working with. I just hope that in the near future I get a double take in that bikini I'll be rocking in a few weeks and someone else will notice my changes. Damn you Cookout milkshake! Why do you tempt me so?!?!?!?!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Big 3-0
So, we're onto Phase Two and so far so good. After taking last week "easy" getting back into the Plyometrics was no easy feat. I'm still waiting for any takers on my challenge too. But the new lifting exercises are great. I haven't had to use the pesky pull-up bar for anything than ducking into my bathroom. But hey, my ultimate goal is to be able to do one full pull up without assistance before this thing is over, so I've got 60 more days to get that done. And just for the record, I'm not getting my chin any closer to that bar.
One more update before I go. The dog toy science experiment was going well until yesterday when Scout ripped through Todd's head to get to his squeaker. The good news is, he doesn't have any stuffing, but he now doesn't have a squeaker either. Indestructible toy length 17 days. I'm keeping that sucker though. Until it begins to be consumed, it's still viable in my book. Poor little Todd. He's fox by the way, and if any of you can guess the reference in which I named the toy after, there's a big muscley hug in your future!