Monday, May 17, 2010

Life Lessons

I had sort of an Oprah "ah ha" moment this weekend. After a week of eating like pure garbage, it's exactly how I felt. I had no desire to workout at all last week. Every time my alarm went off, I wanted to go back to bed, and most times I did. I did work out later that afternoon, but still didn't really want too. As a matter of fact, this weekend, besides walking around in, what seemed like one million degree heat, I didn't do anything. I took a two hour nap yesterday on my couch after going to the dog park. THE DOG PARK. You would have thought that I was the one running around the field by how tired I was. So, Friday night, as I'm shoving Teriyaki Scallops into my pie hole I realised, what in the world am I doing?! What am I working out this much for if I continue to eat like this? How am I going to make any progress putting all these calories into my body? And why am I so tired? Well, after a trip to Ben and Jerry's, (I mean at that point, what difference did it actually make) I decide to tally up everything that I've eaten since being on mini vacation:
Pasta, baked and original
Ice cream
Then I stand on the scale. NO WEIGHT LOST. The good news is, no weight gained either, but come on! And thanks to the most wonderful compliment in the world from Erin, my shoulders and back do look like I've been working out. But I cut out alcohol for what? Just to replace it with the rest of the crap on this list. I had to throw Twizzlers at Robert and make him eat the last ones just b/c I didn't want them in my office anymore. My whole logic is, I need to get rid of it and I've already bought it, so why not eat it and then I won't be tempted anymore? When in reality I shouldn't buy it in the first place. I have two of those Warm Delight things in my pantry and have been there for over two months now, but all they do is taunt me. Every night I go to that pantry, I open the door and I pick up one of those two delicious temptations. I look at the back and think, well if I only eat half of it then I'll only eat 170 calories. But then reality steps in and I put that devil disguised as heaven down, close the door and sit back down on the couch. I won't just eat half of that thing. My half will be so distorted and I'll feel so bad that I actually ate it. So why not throw it away? Do you know women? Do you have women in your life? We MUST have chocolate somewhere in the house. When cravings hit, you MUST give in. But these aren't cravings every night. These are shouts from the depths of the pantry where it seems that my yummy treats are being held hostage and want me to come release them. But today, I won't! Today I am going to be tough. Today we're back on the wagon. Well, it actually started yesterday, but Today is the day we look that garbage in the eyes and say, NO. This week we will not go out to eat. This week we will not open that pantry door just to see. This week we're moving back in the right direction. Getting back on that horse and making more changes that we can see. This week, these baby steps are going to be giant leaps, but they'll get easier each time I shove that spinach leaf into my mouth, I'll think it's a chocolate covered strawberry. So, to those of you who read this in Winston Salem, don't think of asking me to lunch and if you see me walking in that direction, stop me, tackle me and ask me what I'm doing. Tell me to think of what I did that morning and is it worth it to just throw it away like that? But don't say it to me on Friday. Friday's don't count :)

Happy Monday y'all!

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