Thursday, May 27, 2010

IT'S REX MANNING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so maybe it's not Rex Manning Day, but it's definitely SATC 2 day! The day us ladies have been waiting for since the release of the first movie. I think it's hard to find a television series that you can really love and almost change your life.. Before Sex and the City it was 90210 and Party of Five. And then, if I'm not mistaken it was Dawson's Creek and Party of Five. Wednesday night was like my favorite night of television. I would make a point to not work on Wednesday night and hang out with my friends in college b/c those two shows were on. I believe you can find your true friends through TV. I'm not talking about the characters, but people that enjoy the shows you watch usually have more in common with you than the people that don't. In a way, you might look at those other people like they have the worst taste. For example, I HATE The Jersey Shore. I hate everything about that train wreck of a show. I hate the characters, I hate the ignorance and most of all, I hate how 7 morons can contribute absolutely nothing to society and make as much money as they do. If someone tells me that they love that show, I instantly know that I have absolutely nothing in common with that person and intellectually they might have actually gone down in my book. EVEN if they say I watch it b/c it's so dumb and I want to see what happens. When in reality, they watch it b/c they secretly like it. There is nothing I would waste however long that show is just to see what would happen. I do buy into hype, however. I did watch Jon and Kate until the whole controversy broke and then I couldn't contribute to them making money off of me watching. I also fell into the Dancing with the Stars trap this season with some pretty good names in the mix. But I watched Buzz Aldren try to cut a rug and I was instantly out. They just don't make them like they used too. I mean, Sex and the City was a trend. It was a religion. It's a way of life. Sunday nights for 25 minutes I was glued to my TV. There were some days I felt like Carrie and some days I felt like Miranda and some days I felt like Samantha. Never felt like Charlotte, sorry guys. But when the show ended, I didn't know what I was going to watch. I never really got into the Friends craze. Sure, I thought it was a good show, and almost every day it's on in the workout room, but I didn't feel bad if I missed an episode. It wasn't an issue with SATC. I didn't. Nothing held me back from that. I, along with millions of other women, felt lost. I needed a replacement show. I needed something to fill the void. I don't know how much of an overlap there was, but I didn't really get into another show until 24 started. So instead of Sunday nights we started a new Monday night tradition. Only this one the audience flipped and it was party of two. Mike and I would trade off getting Boston Market, but one thing was constant, at 9 pm on the dot we would be glued to the TV set for the next hour. Jack Baur was the man! And what a great concept for a show. To have it air in real time. Genius! Well then this past Monday night was another end of an era. I had been such a dedicated 24 fan. I even raved about it so much I convinced others to start Netflixing it. It's a great show. If you have never watched an episode, you should. But don't give up. It's 24 episodes, but totally worth it. It doesn't usually disappoint...well, it doesn't disappoint until the end. I was already in a funk last night b/c yet another one of my things to look forward to during the week was ending. So upon preparing myself, I pushed play on the DVR. There were some pretty shocking moments, I must admit, but all in all to end a show as intense as 24 was, as soft as they did was pretty weak in my book. If you're going to end it, end it. Kill the man once and for all. Don't let him walk into the sunset minus his horse, playing sappy music. I mean really. We're not ending a Rom-Com people. This guy shot and killed 18 people in this season alone. And you're going to write him out as a wuss?!?!?! I really didn't want to write wuss, but had to. This is a family show people! Anyway now I am in search of a new show to religiously watch. Here are the perimeters that it must revolve around. Can NOT be a reality show. Can NOT involve people that think they are famous, but are only famous b/c Ryan Seacrest saw the potential in them to be a total devastation to the human race. (I love me some RS and respect the hell out of him, but that man cannot spot talent to save his life.) Can be funny, but would prefer an hour long show. Can't be on an HBO, Showtime, Cinemax channel unless I can start from the beginning and Netflix seasons. I do like those cable shows, but since I don't have the channels, it's hard for me to commit. Would love some ideas. I have a lot on my DVR, but nothing, besides Oprah, would I cry over if all of a sudden my DVR were to wipe itself out and I was left with live TV. This is a banner year for the old KG. Discovering new things, trying out new adventures, working out for 60 days straight and not losing weight, and now this. Who says change is bad?!?!?!

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