Friday, May 7, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

In a shout out to my girl Married Spice, Mel W (You see what I did there Melanie? I made you my very own Spice Girl.) here is the latest YouTube clip which is sweeping the nation! If you haven't seen the original video, I suggest you might want to YouTube that one first as you might not understand what's going on, much like I didn't. Creative, yes, but when you have no idea what's really going on, it just looks like a bunch of men dancing.

Yoga update! I think I'm actually catching onto this thing. After a month of struggle, I finally was able to swing my legs through to "Runners Stance" without having to pull that monster through. Who knew that you stayed in downward dog to do that move? This girl was trying to swing her leg the length of her entire body while staying in plank position. Lesson number one to those of you rookie Yogies, don't do this! It's about one million times easier for your body to be raised than not. What a ding dong. That all being said, I still can't make it past the 45 minute mark without thinking I'm going to fall down and break my neck. I made it through each one of the exercises up to that point without stopping so I'm going to go ahead and call that a win. Who knows? Maybe in a weeks time I'll have gained my balance back and have some new trick on how to balance on one foot while sliding my hand down my leg, on the floor, and shooting the other one into the sky. And then maybe in a weeks time I will have won the lottery, fallen in love, and been swept away to some island starting with St. This is how likely the Yoga trick will happen.

Back to mini vacation. See you suckas on the flip side.

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