Friday, May 21, 2010

My deepest apologies

I had every intention of coming into work and sitting my sweet ass down to do my blog first thing this morning. However, we had mega printing project that had to be completed by noon. If there is an opposite of Green, my department just became that. Please don't send the waste of paper police to 540 N Trade St b/c I know 5 people that would be thrown into the back of that recycled paddy wagon. Needless to say, my end of the project just got done, so I now have the opportunity to catch you all up on what has been happening.

Big yoga news yesterday. I hit my first milestone. I actually made it past the 45 minute mark. I got into Warrior Three as displayed below:

Don't ask me where this picture was taken, or how I was able to place the camera on self timer and get back up into that very sturdy warrior three pose, but I'm kind of big deal. Anywho, I got up to warrior three and I didn't wobble or fall over or anything. I was so proud, so I thought, why not try to keep going? No use stopping now. So I leave my beach rock and head back to the studio for the half moon pose:

Again, I'm not falling. I'm not looking like this, but I'm not falling. This is big, I mean HUGE. I've been doing this workout for how long now? And now I can make it to 46 minutes?!?! Well, then out of nowhere comes this painful burning sensation. It's like nothing I've ever felt before. It was as if my ass cheek was on fire. And not the skin, but the actual muscle underneath. I don't think in my life my body has been in that position and then remained there for seconds of time. These seconds felt like a lifetime, until I finally just released. A feeling of pride mixed with pure discomfort was what was going through me. I'm guessing this is why Jennifer Anniston looks the way she does. If she's doing this nonsense more than once a week, she must have muscles on top of muscles. She's a good role model to have though. I mean, if I keep at this, I might actually be able to look like my yoga model counterparts :)

Big wine festival this weekend. The moment I have been preparing for, for what seems like eternity. It's time to jump off that wagon and play with the big dogs. For those of you who will be around me, I apologize, this could get ugly. I might not last that long considering I haven't really had a drop of alcohol in a month. Should be quiet entertaining. THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!

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