Monday, May 24, 2010

A Case of the Mondays

It's cloudy, it's a little chilly, and it's Monday. You're going for three for three today old Mother Nature. Being in bed was so much more awesome than getting up and going to work. But, my mantra of the day is, this is your last full week of work in Winston for a while. This is your last full week of work in Winston for a while. If you come by my office and my eyes are closed, but my lips are moving, this is what I'm mumbling. The worst part is, is that I originally had my alarm set for 6 this morning. My "plan" was to get up, do a little yoga and than come to work and do a little elliptical after work. I believe the football players call them two a days. But I woke up before my alarm and decided to do a one a day and that one was going to be after work. So I reset my alarm for 7 and went back to sleep. You know, until the routine pawing/barking started. I'd love to say that this morning was the first time in a month that I've acted like this, however the same thing happened to me on more than one occasion this weekend as well. I woke up at 7:30 on Saturday morning and SHOULD have done some kickboxing, but I didn't. I didn't even give myself an out, I just didn't do it. Then on Sunday I convinced myself that I was going to run at 4 that afternoon and ended up falling asleep on the couch. Which shouldn't be that big of a deal, but I had to be somewhere by 7 and I still had not gone to the grocery store. My intentions on my day on Sunday were different in the morning, as I went to Petsmart, bought a stake that I could put in the ground with a leash on it so that I could enjoy a little reading outside in the sun. I was going to go to the pool, but thought I was too restless to do even that. However, by the time I left the store, the sunny day had turned to rain and we had to drive back home with the top down and drizzle spitting at us. You might be wondering to yourself why I didn't just put the top up and drive home like a normal person? Well the short answer is, b/c I had shorts on, and enjoy the skin I have on my legs and thought that a little water would be much better than dog nails digging into me. I can't imagine what it is like being a dog, but if you ever get around mine when we decide to put the roof down or up on my car, it might be the most frightening occasion that ever happens to her. And then in turn, the most painful thing that ever happens to me. Anway, after our swim back home, I figured that all original plans were shot, so I thought I would do what I secretly really always wanted to do the whole day, which was turn my DVR on, watch a season finale of Brothers and Sisters. But instead, I fell asleep on the couch for 2.5 hours! I didn't even think I was that tired either. I guess drinking and eating like crap for two straight days will do that to a person. Plus, I'm getting back into my funk of this P90x crap isn't working and I'm feeling a little more deflated. Everyone has told me to look at the inches, not the scale. Go with how I feel, not how I look. But, I'm telling you, you guys wake up at 6 in the morning, and feel like you're busting your ass and you don't see results. You would feel deflated too. Especially when some of the guys around me are loosing in the upwards of 10 pounds and I haven't lost one. I thought this week would prove to be different. Since I was really watching what I was eating and only ate out once this week. Okay, twice, but I had a salad at each meal. It's almost like I need to get a trainer to kick my ass and do this p90x with me. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. Maybe boredom from the workout is causing me to plateau. Who knows, but something better happen soon! So, if any of you plan on laying out with me this weekend, just make sure you tell me how good I'm looking in my swim suit. Otherwise I'm looking into "lunch time lipo" and getting this done the easy way.
Off to enjoy my delicious banana.........

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