Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Birthday Party!

I will fully admit that I'm a nerd. I like Harry Potter, both movies and books. I can't wait for the attraction to open in Orlando. I watched MMC (Mickey Mouse Club) growing up. And not the ones in black and white, the JC Chaze years, and I secretly wish that I could Netflix these episodes. I sing, loudly, in my car to songs and don't care who sees me. I laugh at my own jokes. And I actually am what I eat. My favorite candy is Nerds. But I think the creme de la creme of my nerdiness heightened last night. You see, yesterday was Scout's first birthday. Now, I thought about throwing a little doggie party and inviting over some of her doggie friends for a little play date, but I did just vacuum the floor about 400 times removing as much dog hair as I possibly could, this weekend. And I really didn't want a bunch of wet dogs in my house for a few hours. WAY too much chaos. So I settled for a cake. Where does one start to look for a cake? Why Google, of course. I found a recipe for a Peanut Butter Delight Cake. As I'm reading through the ingredients, I'm thinking that this wouldn't be a terrible recipe for a human cake. So after work I head on over to the local grocer and I buy all ingredients that I need. (Side note, this will now be the third time in three days that I've been to this same grocery store as my list that I put together was incomplete.) I head on back to the casa where the birthday girl awaits. She's chomping at the bit. Sticking her little head as close to the counter as she can get it, to see what's going on up there. I keep telling her that I'm making this for her, if she would just give me a few minutes to finish. Pop that sucker in the oven and wait.......for 40 minutes. I think I'm more excited about this than she is. As a matter of fact, I know I'm more excited about this than she is, b/c I actually know what's going on. All she hears me say is Scoooout blah blah blah blah treat soon. She doesn't know what cake is, but I sure do. Once the 40 minutes is up, I now stick that bad boy into the fridge to have it cool faster. I think this process took another 40 minutes. Time to make myself some dinner. At least it will take my mind off, what looks like a savory treat in the fridge. Once the cooling process was over, it's time for the icing! No, I didn't use sugar icing. What, do you think I'm crazy?!?!!? No, this recipe called for cottage cheese as icing. I know, YUCK. If I thought I was going to test this thing out before b/c of all of the things I put into it, now I want out. Here is our masterpiece:
Okay, this shot is far away and not as pretty as some other pictures I've taken in my day. And no, this isn't a chunk of where I took a piece out for myself, but for the birthday girl. Here she is in action:

All in all, I think it was a pretty successful night. Okay, yes I tried some of the cake which makes me equally as bad as my cousin Bobby who ate a Snausage when my brother and I told him it was a Slim Jim, but whatever. It's not like it had monkey brains in it or anything.
Oh how far we've come in a year. Thank you Scout for being you. I love you and glad you came into my life. You've certainly saved me from a lonely, lonely life.

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