Thursday, May 6, 2010

Seis de Mayo

I swear I was going to name this one Good Karma, but was sidetracked by a "joke" that was told to me this morning. A "special" young man came to my office door and here is how my work morning started:
BT:Katherine, do you know what today is?
KG:What's that Big Tree (reference Big Tree Fall Hard in blog one or two)?
BT:It's Seis de Mayo....
KG:Yes, yes it is.
BT: No, that's the joke.
KG: No, that's the date
This is the kind of nonsense that goes on in this guys head. And he thought it was a joke. I can just picture this guy on one of those late night Spanish talk shows where everyone is laughing and joking and Big Tree has no idea what's going on or what's being said and only repeats the date in his native Spanglish speaking tongue. And then thinks that the reason everyone is laughing is b/c of what he said. When in actuality in both English and Spanish they are both befuddled at how ridiculous a grown man is for going around repeating the date in Spanish. He's just a big dumb animal folks.

So onto my good karma story. Last night I was early to my hair appointment and decided that I needed to swing by my local Harris Teeter to pick up some ingredients to make my fajitas last night. Walking past the impulse aisle, I notice that razor refills were still on sale. Knowing how much these things normally cost, I thought, this is a sign and I should really pick them up. I mean, they're $10! That's a steal. So I go to to the self checkout with my fajita mix, guac mix, and razor refills. $.99, $,99, $11.49. Oh, you there, young man....Please, kind sir, these razors are on sale. They rang up as $11.49 and they are supposed to be $9.39. He has to get on his microphone and call over the woman that is literally 10 feet away. She checks out the situation and I walk her over to where the razors are. Apparently they are no longer on sale, but the sign is still up. So, they take the razors off the total and I stand there waiting for the new price. Junior is telling me that I can pay now. But, the razors need to be put back on. Folks, let me let you in on a little secret! If a grocery store still has an item sale sign for an item that is no longer on sale and you find it, you get that item FREE OF CHARGE. I couldn't believe it. I walk out of the grocery store only paying $2 for all of my stuff. I kept waiting for someone to stop me on my way out. Like I stole something. And in a way, I kind of did. I've never been so happy over something so small. THIS is the magic of Cinco de Mayo! Which then continued on to today where Scout went to the bathroom all in one trip, I got through the doughnut line and to work on time. No, the doughnuts were not for me, but getting through the line and to work on time is honestly a miracle in and of itself. The only thing that could have worked better is if Scout sat still for her ear drops. Have you ever had one of those Wet Willy toys. You know, those little water snakes that you can't quiet grab b/c they keep slipping out of your hands? Well, imagine that toy wet. And then imagine that toy having four legs, fur, nails, and teeth. And then that toy has an ear infection and the only thing you have to do is put these ear drops in their ears twice a day. It sounds easy enough. And it should be b/c these things are supposed to be helping. But apparently I'm shooting knives out of this bottle and when it's shown there isn't an area in the house that is not covered by trying to escape there. I've tried putting her in between my legs and locking down, but I'm afraid she'll break her own neck trying to escape. I've tried pinning her down on the floor, but she wiggles away. I've tried tricking her when she's sleeping, and that's the worst one b/c it was like I was trying to kill her. Grabbing her collar is useless and sticking the thing in my pocket like a sneak attack doesn't work either. So, I now have to devote at least 10 minutes every morning to chasing her until she puts herself in a position that she can't escape. Good thing her attention span of pain is short so she loves me again before I leave the house.

Okay, okay, I tried going a week without talking about the dog, but when your morning ritual involves so much effort, I feel like I have to share. Plus there was no P90x this morning, what else was I going to share?

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