Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps

Is it really only Wednesday? Man! I was so hoping that it was the end of the week. I think the worst thing in the world is when you wake up, or are woken up, just minutes away from your alarm going off. This has been happening the past couple of weeks and I'm growing very tired of it. I don't want to wake up at 6, let alone 5:45, or 4:30 as the case was yesterday. I kind of blame myself for that one though. Birthday cake didn't sit well with the little one. In any case, I'm waking up and getting my workouts done, but I'm getting bored. I'm glad this is the last week of Phase 2, but I realized that I've done all the videos. The last month is going to be a combination of everything I've already done. I can easily see how people give up on this thing. I'm not going to do it though. I've come this far and to throw my hands up in the air and just say, to hell with it, is not on the agenda. But I do wonder what I'm going to do next? Do I do the thing all over again? Do I go and buy heavier weights? Stronger resistance bands? New abs? I have no clue what July is going to bring. I was thinking, on my way into work today, about just giving up on the whole month of July all together. Maybe just quit my job and take the whole month off from everything. Head down to Costa Rica for a few weeks. See some friends I haven't seen in a while. Just do some travelling without the stress of work. This is at the forefront of my mind right now, so don't be surprised if I actually just go ahead and do it. And sure I might be doing some new things in June for a few weeks, but I'm not exactly taking time off work. Yes, okay, I'll be living in Monterey for close to 20 days, and living the life at Pebble Beach, but it's work people! For those of you I haven't told this information too, I apologize that you have to find out through blog. But hey, it's not like I'm just leaving town and wouldn't tell you. Either, the light in my office being dark, or me not returning emails, or just being "distant" would probably give it away that I wasn't around. I'm actually kind of worried how I'm going to get my workouts in while I'm out there. I have faith that they are going to get done. I am investing in a pull-up bar that I can travel with, but I'm not bringing my weights, so bands are going to have to do. I know I can do this. I know I can get through these last 44 days....Geez, I guess I didn't realize I was only half way through. Holy cow. A brief moment of reflection. I've been working out for 46 days now. Hmmm. It's definitely time to kick this sucker up a notch. And PS, who knew I would write a blog this consistently for this long either. I think I'll make myself a cake tonight from such an accomplishment...As Tony would say, "I'm kidding".

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